Alumni Stories
- “HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Beijing” 2022-2023
- “HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Beijing” 2023-24
- [Alumni Spotlight] HKU Alumni @ Art Central | Elaine Chiu (BA 2018)
- [Alumni Spotlight] HKU Alumni @ Art Central | Erin Li (BSocSc 2015)
- [Alumni Spotlight] HKU Alumni @ Art Central | Joel Kwong (BSc(SSLM) 2004)
- [Career+] Chat with Alumni from The Executive Centre
- [Career+] Chat with Alumni from UBS
- [Dec 11] HKU Sports Scholars Alumni Association – 10th Anniversary Networking Party
- [Dec 23] HKUGA Education Foundation – 23rd Annual General Meeting
- [Dec 6] HKU Biomedical Engineering Alumni Association 2024 Annual Dinner
- [HKU in Films] 君子好逑 (1984) | 色,戒 (2007)
- [HKU in Films] 法外情 (1985) | 川島芳子(1990) | 賭城大亨之新哥傳奇(1992)
- [HKU in Films] 流氓醫生 (1995) | 追女仔 (1981) | 錢作怪 (1980)
- [HKU in Films] 玻璃之城 City of Glass (1998) Special
- [July 8] Geography and Geology Class of 1983
- [Oct 15] HKUEAA Homecoming Walk
- [Oct 26] HKUGA 48th Anniversary Dinner & New Graduates Celebration
- [Oct 27] HKUGA 47th Anniversary Dinner & New Graduates Celebration
- [Sep 26] Engineering Class of 1974
- [Southern California] Lifelong Mentorship
- [來自法律系的電影導演] 梁銘佳 (LLB 2001, PCLL 2002)
- 「跳高女神」楊文蔚:由街童到港大生 運動改變我一生
- 【Razer x Clearbot】 Using an AI robot to clean up ocean waste
- 【Swire Scholar】 HK-Born Female Scientist – Professor Vivian Yam Wing-Wah
- 【賽馬會第三學生村】樂在中秋 明月送暖 Sharing Love and Joy at Mid-Autumn Festival
- Alumni Feature | Dr Bruce wang 王雷博士 PhD 2014
- Alumni Feature | Dr Rohit Verma (MBBS, 2021)
- Alumni Feature | Tszwai So [BA(ArchStud) 2003] | Remembrance Now – 21st Century Memorial Architecture
- Alumni Moments 2024
- ARTathon HKU Family Day 2023
- Chan Wing-yan 陳穎恩 (BA 2010; MA 2012; PGDE 2018) Jerry Thornton
- Chiu Chi-ki 趙梓琪 (LLM(Arb&DR) 2019) and Chiu Hon-fu 趙漢夫 (PCLL(SPACE) 1995)
- Dr Amy Leung Wing Sze 梁詠詩 (BSc 2013, PhD 2019) and Dr Aloysius Wilfred Raj Arokiaraj (PhD 2019)
- Elaine Chiu (BA 2018) Solo Exhibition: 《Before Memories Expire 記憶若有限期》
- Felix Kwok (BA 2008) | Apollo 40 Under 40 Asia Pacific 2022
- HKU 111th Anniversary Celebration Grand Finale High Table Dinner
- HKU Alumni @ Forbes 30 under 30 Asia 2022
- HKU Alumni @ Forbes 30 under 30 Asia 2023
- HKU Alumni featured on Forbes 30 under 30 Asia 2024
- HKU Alumni featured on GenT Leaders of Tomorrow 2024
- HKU Alumni featured on GenT List 2023
- HKU Alumni featured on Prestige 40 Under 40 2024 List
- HKU Alumni founded design studio ‘BREADStudio HK’ receives Good Design Award 2021
- HKU Alumni on Gen.T List 2022
- HKU Beijing Alumni Network Co-organized the “BJ-HK Youth Innovation and Development Exchange Conference 2024”
- HKU Lacrosse Alumni Call-up – The Root of Hong Kong Lacrosse
- HKU student Josy Chow defies Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to graduate with Second Class Honours, Class of 2022
- HKUAA Southern California | HKU Mentee Welcome Gathering
- HKUAA Southern California | Mentee Welcome Lunch 2022
- HKUGA Education Foundation – School Anti-pandemic Care Action
- Hui Man-kwan 許文君 (BSocSc 2013) | So Shing-nok 蘇承諾
- Hui Tin Hoi 許天海 (BEng, 2015) | Liu Ka Wai 廖嘉蔚 (BA, 2016)
- Hui Wun-yan 許桓甄 (BBA(Acc&Fin) 2016) and Li Tsz-wing 李梓榮 (BBA(Acc&Fin) 2016)
- John Lee 李宇俊 (BSc 2006) | Jessica Tang 鄧淑君
- Karen Lee 李嘉恩 (BBA(Acc&Fin) 2010) | Sunny Tang 鄧健誠 (BSc 2009)
- Light & Love Marathon 2018
- Ma Shuk-yin 馬淑賢 (BSocSc 2010) and Tsang Fan-yu 曾繁裕 (MA 2013)
- Meet Rocco Yim, who designed the Hong Kong Palace Museum
- Miriam Lau (BA 2005, MPhil 2010) and Tony Lo (BEng(EE) 2007, MSc(Eng) 2009)
- One Entrepreneur’s Race to Save Hong Kong’s Coral Reefs
- Queenie Tang (BA 2022) | The Global Undergraduate Awards 2022
- Recreating Majesty | Interview with Rocco Yim, Architect of the HK Palace Museum
- Riccians Homecoming
- Silent Disco with HKU Alumni DJs
- The Art of Sparkling Tea: A Fusion of Science and Craftsmanship
- Tim Wong 黃樂孺(MBBS 2012) and Kayman Ma 馬嘉汶(MSocSc student)
- Tracy Hon 韓婉琳 (MNurs 2014, BNurs 2009) and Stephen Wong 王剛誠
- Winners of JUMPSTARTER 2022 | HKU Startups Gense Technologies and Clearbot Open Ocean Engineering
- 在港大尋覓張愛玲 Eileen Chang at HKU
- 我哋故事我哋講
- 收藏家林準祥 逾300彩色照片看昔日香港
- 港大校友「三泳俠」挑戰橫渡英倫海峽 冀基層小朋友有機會學游泳
- 港大校友成立本港首個失語症病人及家屬支援組織
- 港大校友榮登福布斯中國科技女性榜2021
- 港大校友泳手再度橫渡英倫海峽為慈善籌款
- 港大畢業生搞初創 研人工智能技術助政府部門破解鼠患問題
- 陸錦標教授獲頒有「中國諾貝爾獎」之稱的中國2019年度「未來科學大獎物質科學獎」
- Advanced Dentistry | Women & Leadership | Chinese Debt-Trap | 大體老師 | 絲-緙絲-刺繡
- Changing Legal Orders | Rivers Drained 水盡河非 | 矯形及創傷 | Pictorial Silks | Wildlife Trade
- College Life | The EAST Rises | COVID-19: Sewage Surveillance | Mindful Monday 靜觀星期一
- eConnect: 200 students receive Entrance Scholarships of HK$60M | Honorary Degrees | Mapping Hong Kong with anothermountainman | Triumph of the Market | How to turn Challenges into Opportunities | 香江失健筆 本港缺奇才
- eConnect: 23 Top Athletes at HKU | HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Academy in Qianhai-Shenzhen | Record high in 2024 Shanghai Academic Rankings of World Universities | 112-year-old Encaustic Tiles in Main Building
- eConnect: 53 HKU academics named Highly Cited Researchers in the world | How Population Growth Promotes Innovation | Hong Kong’s first university community pharmacy
- eConnect: A Gift to Transform Life Science and Medicine | Architecture Degree Show 2024 | Statelessness: The Burden of Our Times | Corporate Greenwashing | Honour your Parents and Loved Ones
- eConnect: Alumni Originals 校友本色 | Saving Hong Kong’s Coral by 3D Printing | Chinese Reverse Glass Paintings | 香港財政儲備的一些思考
- eConnect: ARTathon – Love and Knowledge Sharing at WKCD | Towards Longevity-Ready Cities | New treatment strategy for advanced liver cancer | 張婉婷:走過永恆的片刻《給十九歲的我》| 膠袋加價夠唔夠辣
- eConnect: Asia in a Changing Global Economy | Reading Your Mind – Mathemagics | Huge Language Models | The Connections World | 堅定對香港經濟的信心 | 馬不停蹄 — 從跑馬地到沙田再返港大
- eConnect: Books 2021 | How Great Powers should compete | China’s stock market | Theatre(s) of Global Art | 探索香港金融服務業
- eConnect: Can We Reconstruct U.S.-China Relations Post-Election? | Global Development against Geopolitical Headwinds | Reimagining Opportunities with Gen Z | Responsible AI in Business | HKU DeepTech100
- eConnect: Cast Your Vote | Vaccine Debate | Fintech & Startups | HK: Asia’s Legal Tech Hub |「十四五」規劃和香港機遇 | 年紀大骨頭脆?
- eConnect: Cheer for 2021 Moments with Alumni & Friends | Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing – a hub of Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation Education | From Quantum Materials to the Origin of Black Holes | 後疫情時代的挑戰與機遇
- eConnect: Cheer for HKDSE Students | Big Data for Secondary Students & Parents | “Data is the New Art Form” Art Competition | Syrian Hamsters & SARS-CoV-2 |《醫生與你》- 港大醫學專家解答市民抗疫疑難
- eConnect: China: in the eyes of an HKU Graduate & Fortune 500 CEO | G.B. Shaw in HKU – 90 Years On | Summer Institute 2023 | New gene in breast cancer | Challenges for Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Area Integration Strategy
- eConnect: COVID-19, Borders, and the Law | Protect Yourself. Get Vaccinated at HKU | Coming Era of Medicine, Health and Public Health | 創科新里程 — 合成化學 | 高通脹時代來臨
- eConnect: Discover the 12 winning HKU Inventions at the prestigious Geneva competition (IEIG)
- eConnect: Donation of Asia’s first world-class device for liver cancer treatment | HKU Lee Shau Kee Top Athletes | AsiaGlobal Fellows from 16 countries | Your Personalised Tile of Main Building | 假資訊滿天飛 正視聽穩財經
- eConnect: Double Victory after 20 years | We, the Robots? | Financing the Future | Honorary University Fellowships | 為何經濟發展往往未能帶來共富?
- eConnect: Embracing Change | Dean of Medicine: My Darkest Hour | Notebook 2022 | Iran and BRI | Medicine and Healthcare Through the Lens of Digital Art | 性別平權 峰迴路轉
- eConnect: Excellent Young Scientists | Top Athletes and President’s Scholars | Seeing the Unseen in biomedicine with laser | 馮平山圖書館九十周年館慶 | 香港經濟的五大認識誤區
- eConnect: Exclusive NFTs to support Heritage | New MOOC: FinTech Technologies | Honouring the late Dr Philip K.H. Wong | Movie Magic of Alex Law and Mabel Cheung | “Climate Refugee”? | The “Bleak Swan” | 電價大幅上漲的健康成本
- eConnect: Experience HKU in person | Lion Rock Spirit Still Works in Hong Kong? | 從梅艷芳看香港文化、聽大眾心聲 | 勞雙恩 x 陳岡 : 人.情.味 ─ 非 Master Class | 改革稅制能否改善財富不均?
- eConnect: Exploration & Education: From 20th to 21st Century | Stronger ASEAN-China Partnership | Beethoven in Beijing | 眼底山川 — 饒宗頤教授寰宇藝踪 | 重振港股氣氛與交投之道
- eConnect: Explore the World at Summer Institutes 2021 | How are Digital Assets taxed? | RCEP: Game-Changer for Global Trade? | Responsible Data Analysis and Decision-making
- eConnect: FinTech Talents in Hong Kong | Chinese Idea of a University | Crises and Geopolitics on Global Climate | Kit Armstrong in Recital | 丁衍庸的中西藝術
- eConnect: First Birds App | Reinventing HK Economy | Startup Seed Fund | HKU Coin & Digital Finance | Suppress Cancer Metastasis | 人工智能解鼠患
- eConnect: Five HKU scholars ranked first in Asia in respective disciplines by | HKUMed’s world-first ‘Liver-in-Cube’ | HKU alumni on GenT Leaders of Tomorrow 2024
- eConnect: Free dental care to underprivileged children | Navigating Shifts – Geopolitical and Post-Covid Supply Chain Realignment | Information Day | Japanese Printmakers | HKU Heritage: Main Building since 1912
- eConnect: Future of Hong Kong Economy | HKU Presidential PhD Scholars | HKU DeepTech100 | Micro-robots |《讓我們現在讚揚名人吧》| 反向貨幣戰爭與滙率協調
- eConnect: Global Innovation Centre – New Hub for Groundbreaking Upstream Research | Five Jockey Club STEM Labs | Relive the Magic of HKU Alumni Day | Are we all Buddhas by Nature? | 油公司有否在港合謀定價?
- eConnect: Have a Christmas Brick | Pioneer in Energy Research | Wild Boar and Us | Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care | First anti-COVID-19 Stainless Steel | 什麼是反芻式思考 | 中國復關入世 20 年
- eConnect: HKU academics among the world’s Top 100 Best Scientists | Global Pandemic Research Alliance | HKU Athletes @ Chengdu FISU World University Games | 香港振翅︰民航業與全球樞紐的發展 1933-1998
- eConnect: HKU Alumni @ Forbes 30 under 30 Asia 2023 | Architecture Degree Show 2023 |《內有乾坤》Department of Medicine Centenary Song | MUSE Gala 繆思殿堂 | 內地股票發行制度改革
- eConnect: HKU Alumni Day on 2024. 3. 16 | Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 | Give with Impact: HKU Scholarships 受恩施恩獎學金
- eConnect: HKU Alumni on Gen.T List | Oct 29: Information Day | Branding for NPOs | “Yours Ever ‧ 耑肅奉稟” |《香港華商特藏》展覽 | 中國的能源革命
- eConnect: HKU Alumni on Gen.T List 2023 | 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars | 辻井伸行 Nobuyuki Tsujii in Recital |「大體老師」遺體捐贈計劃 | Collect the first-ever HKU NFTs
- eConnect: HKU Community Vaccination Centre | Global Climate Change and its Impact on HK | Against Gaming Addiction and Cyberbullying | 共圓 21 世紀教育夢 — 一群港大校友在辦學路上 | 抗疫不忘初心 保民亦要便民
- eConnect: HKU Community Vaccination Centres at Loke Yew Hall and Gleneagles Hospital | How NFTs are Transforming the Future | Women’s Directorship | New Perspectives on Student Talent | 虛擬宇宙 漸露勢頭
- eConnect: HKU COVID-19 research named landmark paper by The Lancet | Joey Wat: Agility and Resilience against disruptions to restaurant industry | Metaverse in China | Ukraine’s Russian-speaking Minorities | 家族辦公室在香港的前景及機遇
- eConnect: HKU honours 51 Highly Cited Researchers | HKUMed develops dual anti-tumour vaccine | 330 million steps to the Paris Olympics | Add Colour to Your Personalised Tile | 氣候訊息披露法規發展新里程
- eConnect: HKU is ranked No. 17 in the World | HKUMed pioneers robot-assisted spine surgery in Hong Kong | Alumni on the Forbes 30 under 30 Asia 2024 | From Scholarship Recipient to Donor | 九龍城寨的龍捲風
- eConnect: HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science | The Road to Reopening Hong Kong | Dentistry x RTHK 精靈一點 | 2022 AsiaGlobal Fellows | 香港再工業化的微觀分析
- eConnect: HKU President’s Forum – Science and Society | HKU Sports Teams continue to soar | Global Recognition for HKU | Bank Failures in America and Europe | 刻舟求劍?美國利率政策的反思
- eConnect: HKU ranks 13th globally | Breakthrough in Super Steel | Hong Kong Jockey Club Global Health Institute at HKUMed | 配對捐款:支持自閉症幼童家長 | 向先行者致敬:《香港大學世紀之問 —— 改革開放初期與內地交流的人和事》
- eConnect: HKU ranks Second in Asia | A New Global Growth Paradigm in a Multimodal World | HKU welcomes 91 New Scholars | 對聯 搭配 畫謎 — 藝術中的因果法則
- eConnect: HKU receives HK$100 million from the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation | New COVID-19 Vaccine (Omicron Variant) | Monitoring Trade of Rare and Endangered Fish | 創科新里程 — 抗疫 | 虛實並濟 銀行大勢
- eConnect: HKU School of Computing and Data Science | Three Perspectives on US-China Relations | 邁向碳中和 香港人和事 | 從經濟層面看美國大選形勢
- eConnect: HKU shines in 2024 Times Higher Education World University Rankings | 300+ HKU scientists named world’s top 2% | Support Parents of Children with Autism | “111 Dreams” by Professor Norman Ko
- eConnect: HKU Sports Scholars at Tokyo Olympics | To be a Surgeon? | What’s next for digital wallets | Sweeteners in common food | 母親的反思功能 | 藥物臨床研究
- eConnect: HKU students win Architecture MasterPrize | Rosie Young 90 Medal for Outstanding Young Woman Scholar | HKU Endowed Professorships – A Legacy of Excellence | Summer Institute 2025
- eConnect: HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Academy unveiled in Qianhai | International Acclaims for HKU scholars and students | 2024 HKU International Techno-Entrepreneurship Challenge | 香港旅遊業發展有何新方
- eConnect: HKU’s 31 Most Influential Researchers in the World | From Picasso to Wong Kar Wai | Reporting Facts to Power | Lai Chi Wo revitalization | 中美對抗的前景:理念之爭還是體制之爭? | JC-WISE 水資源:河邊有隻雀
- eConnect: HKU’s Research Excellence, Innovation and Leadership | HKU Athletes make history | Embracing GenAI | Support Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum | Hornell Hall Reunion
- eConnect: HKU’s 38 Most Influential Researchers | HKU AlumniLand | Audio guide to HKU historic buildings | G2 strategy: China-US relationship | Gig Economy 零工經濟:一人多職新常態 | 馬不停蹄 — 從跑馬地到沙田再返港大
- eConnect: HKU’s innovations excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva | Young scientists named 35 Innovators Under 35 | Global Sourcing Dynamics | Making Learning Visible | ChatGPT 的威力和軟肋
- eConnect: Hong Kong-Shanghai AI Forum | Kan Tai Keung’s Mind and His Own Steps《靳埭强 心路 · 足跡》| Hong Kong Climate Forum | Footprints in Main Building | 日本退出負利率政策
- eConnect: Hong Kong’s Next 25 Years: Challenges and Opportunities | HKU Philharmonic Orchestra: Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 2 | 氣候變化與央行政策 | 北部都會區將成香港的浦東新區嗎?
- eConnect: Honorary University Fellows 2022 | Asian Premiere: Ink Art & New Music | HKU scholar awarded Xplorer Prize 2022 | Expanding R&D talent pool in Hong Kong | 早期香港傑出華商
- eConnect: Honorary University Fellowships 2023 | “Smiles-For-All” free dental care | Admissions on UG, PhD and MPhil | 從虛擬之險見監管之需
- eConnect: Honouring Mothers with eCards | Meet the Shaw Laureates | The Winter’s Tale | India’s Covid crisis | China’s Investments | Malou Hung’s Bookplates
- eConnect: Join the President: Make a gift today | Flora Ho Sports Centre Farewell Day | 2022 Future Science Prize Award Ceremony | iDendron Incubation Programme | 美國的降低通脹法案
- eConnect: Land, Labour, and Life: Education for Rural Development | Producing a 21st Century Doctor | Messiah Sing-Along 2022 | Our Digital Selves | Asia in a Changing Global Economy | 加快搶攻 新興金融
- eConnect: Let the Rivers Run – Reconnecting to our city’s rivers | Dialogue with local farmers | Walking Challenge to the Moon | Predicting Oral Cancer risk | 不上學的日子 | 減碳政策下的中國電力發展
- eConnect: Live Chat with China’s Aerospace Scientists and Engineers | UNESCO Award-winning Heritage Projects | From Bygone Ages | Unseen Enemy: Global Pandemic | Body Donation「大體老師」| 現正是香港經濟轉型的良機?
- eConnect: Liver Research at HKU 戰勝肝病 | JUPAS Band A Strategies | Poverty Alleviation: A Case in HK | Get Your 3rd Dose Now | 減走糖尿 2.0 | 1.9 億年前的古生物菊石化石 | 打造香港成 ESG 都會
- eConnect: Love After Love《第一爐香》| Hong Kong’s Next 25 Years | Asia Forward: Leading the Way Towards a New Multilateralism | UNESCO Award: Lai Chi Wo Rural Cultural Landscape | 利弊互見的SPAC熱潮 |《醫研薈萃》免疫失衡
- eConnect: Love messages to Moms | A De-globalised World Economy | Green Finance | Youth Smokers | Asian Filmmakers and Stars | 人口老化 危中有機
- eConnect: Lunar Landing at HKU | HKU Sports Scholars shine at FISU | Why are museum collections important | 「神經系統長新冠在香港」網上問卷調查 | 山水憶遊——水墨畫工作坊
- eConnect: MA in AI, Ethics and Society | Launch of HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Core (TEC) and Entrepreneurship Engine Fund | New Frontiers and Directions in Chinese History | 利瑪竇宿舍呈獻:《唐詩三百秒》首映禮
- eConnect: Music and Azaleas at HKU CVC | Zero-COVID Strategy | Central Bank Digital Currencies | Tropical Deforestation Doubles Carbon Loss | 學校抗疫關懷行動 | 免費線上精神健康服務
- eConnect: New Books Giveaway 書海快閃 | Looking Beyond the Pandemic | 900-year-old Mystery | 校友本色 – Dream Car 達人 | 數碼貨幣 蓄勢待發
- eConnect: Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart | AsiaGlobal Fellows from Belt and Road | A Tribute to Maestro Doming Lam | Secrets Behind Lunar Soil | Support Biodiversity in Hong Kong
- eConnect: Notebook 2022 | 阮兆輝 : 我的童星生涯 | Shaw Prize: Journey of Space Astrometry | Masterpieces of Buddhist Art | 獨居長者與社交機械人
- eConnect: Notebook Scheme | Urban Waterscapes 城市水景:何去何從? | Science Master Class | Afghanistan at a Crossroads | 強大的數字平台商業模式
- eConnect: Pablo Picasso: Paintings in Glass | 眼底山川 — 饒宗頤教授寰宇藝踪 |《唐詩三百秒》引領我們欣賞唐詩之美 | Tributes to Great Composers: György Ligeti & Doming Lam
- eConnect: Professor Tatia Lee elected Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences | HKU Alumni Photo Challenge | Give with Impact: Pay it Forward | Teaching and Learning with GenAI
- eConnect: Restoring Hong Kong’s Whale at SWIMS | Small Government: Time for a Rethink? | High Gothic 哥德盛世 | 聯儲局由鴿轉鷹的預警
- eConnect: Ryan Choi 蔡俊彥, Cecilia Yeung 楊文蔚 and Theo Chan 陳銘泰 | Reimagining Education 後疫教育的想像 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at HKU | Solving Asia’s Financial Inclusion Challenge
- eConnect: Saving Baby Whale | Free Speech in Universities | Notebook Roadshow | Spend Now, Tax Later? | 認識腦科疾病 – 中風及柏金遜症 | 央行數字貨幣時代的來臨
- eConnect: Support “Get Up & Walk” | Global Race for Talent | MPhil & PhD Programmes | 香港在大灣區的發展機遇 | 校友本色 – 城市畫家 | 美國政府的債務上限
- eConnect: The First Asian and Chinese recipient of the Bailar Medal | Jun 5: HKU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day | Pablo Picasso: Paintings in Glass | De-Dollarization and Digital Currencies | My WORLD HERITAGE Travels
- eConnect: The Future of Hong Kong Economy 2025 with James A. Robinson, 2024 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences | One Programme, Two+ Degrees | Chestnut Tiger Butterfly’s New Record-3000 km-Flight to Hong Kong
- eConnect: Top Athletes at HKU | ChatGPT: its ability and impacts | Trailblazing American Venture in China | HK Phil × HKU MUSE: 7 Double Basses | 靜觀校園文化 | 慎防投資變「殺豬」
- eConnect: Whaling: Pro-vs-Anti | HKU AI Lawyer | World première: Two Miniatures | Startup for Sight Loss | 慢性腎病知多少 | 未來的香港教育 | 巨額經濟紓困計劃
- eConnect: What is “Explore”? | North Korea & COVID-19 | Sustainability & New Normal | 東蓮覺苑辦學九十周年 | 以經濟學分析如何消滅新冠疫情
- eConnect: Yuen Kwok-yung: My Life in Medicine: A Hong Kong Journey | Generative AI in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect | Liver-breast cancer theory | 馮平山圖書館的歷史回顧 | HKU Main Building: The Legend Continues
- eConnect: Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師: In memory | Top Athletes Direct Admission Scheme | First-ever Exoskeleton Paraplegic Walkathon | Omicron variant: less effective in causing diseases?
- eConnect: 勞雙恩 x 陳岡 : 人.情.味 – 非 Master Class | Asia Forward: Leading the Way Towards a New Multilateralism | FinTech Day 2021 | 香港如何發掘大灣區獨特的創科良機
- eConnect: 探索大腦 Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Blurring the Color Line | HK PHIL x HKU MUSE | Buddhist Perspectives on the Future of Asia | Data is the New Art Form | Student and Teacher Well-being | 時勢造就 情騙橫流
- eConnect: 搏盡無悔! HKU Athletes at Paris Olympics | HKU Dentists improve oral health of young children | 112-year-old Encaustic Tiles in Main Building | 數據剖析香港物業市場大局
- eConnect: 楊紫芝教授:毋忘初衷,幫助病人 | Top Athletes at HKU: Adrian Yung 翁厚全, Coleman Wong 黃澤林 & Williams Aylsworth | Riding Out Hong Kong’s Omicron Storm | 新冠肺炎藥膳湯包 | 俄烏之戰對全球經濟的衝擊
- eConnect: 眼底山川 — 饒宗頤教授寰宇藝踪 Embracing Landscapes: The Artistic Journey of Professor Jao Tsung-I | International acclaim for HKUMed scholars | Solutions for a Sustainable Future – From Invention to Implementation
- eConnect: 讀 Dental 有乜好 | Future of Trade Finance in HK, Asia and the World | HKU Research Excellence | Anti-coronavirus Cocktail Therapy | Supply-Chain Stress | 人人都能寫程式的社會
- eConnect: 賽馬會第三學生村中秋送暖 | HKU Sports Scholars at 14th National Games | Taxing China’s Ultra-Rich |「走進自閉特色的世界」
- Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia | Soccer Championship | Intelligent Machines | Post-pandemic Teacher Education | 照顧者的快樂時光 | 社會主義是如何來到中國的
- Great Power Rivalry | New Normal Learning | HK’s GDP 21Q2 | Honorary Degrees | Emeritus Professor Brian Morton | 大腦的神經可塑性
- High Angle Rescue Team 高空拯救專隊 | Asian Revitalization | 靜觀星期一 | 回顧中美貿易戰
- Impacting Society | HKU Techshow | BRI & China’s Railway Expansion | 300 萬,你想拍什麽? |《護齒小兒科》劇場
- Legend of Tam Towers | Music in Print | FluTracking | 冠狀病毒 新知一覽 | 醫生與你
- New Multilateral Global Economy | 探索香港經濟新模式 | 疫下長者抑鬱焦慮增加 | 王賡武回憶錄
- Robotic Fish sets world record | HKU Scholars receive global awards | Vaccine Confidence | 治療乳癌跟血癌
- Subsidy for Taught Postgraduate Studies | Pokfield Campus: Groundbreaking | Leadership in a Post-Truth World | HK Economic Policy
- The Frank Fischbeck Collection | Beethoven 32 Sonatas | 疫情下的 …… 我們 | 銀髮經濟現生機
- Top Awards at Inventions Geneva | HK: Longest Living Population | Shenzhen Experiment | Belt and Road, and Pandemic |「滄海一聲笑」
- Vaccination & Studies | Honorary University Fellowships | Building Control | 中文學會九十周年展覽 | 陳慶恩: 薄暮樂敘
- 一筆畫賀歲 One-stroke Drawing for Year of the Ox
- 一齊好好拍電影 | COVID-19 Nasal Spray | Wang Gungwu: Home | World Oral Health Day | Urban Climb supports Paraplegics
- 挑戰攀登 300 米 Urban Climb 300M+ | GDP to grow by 2.6% | Tech Startup in GBA | HKU Press Discount
- 給不平凡的 2020 畢業班 | Dec 7: Post-COVID World | 港大新冠肺炎噴鼻式疫苗 | HKU Press 30% off
Geography and Geology Class
HKU Biomedical Engineering Alumni Association
HKU Sports Scholars Alumni Association
Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation
Lady Ho Tung Hall Graduates' Association
Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association
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