- HKU stands in the highest echelons of Asian academia
- Boosting Global Recruitment
HKU welcomes 91 New Scholars in 2023 - AsiaGlobal Dialogue 2023: A New Global Growth Paradigm in a Multimodal World
- HKU Physicist awarded Tencent’s New Cornerstone Investigator Program 2023
- LITE Lab@HKU wins EdTech Hero Award
- HKU’s Department of Microbiology and Shanghai Institute of Infectious Disease and Biosecurity collaborate on research and innovative drug development for infectious disease
- COUPLET PAIR REBUS: The Principle of Cause and Effect in Art 對聯 搭配 畫謎 — 藝術中的因果法則
- HKU develops AI-powered SmartRehab platform to provide an accessible and affordable rehabilitation strategy for stroke patients globally
- HKU survey finds 70% of respondents overlook four early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
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