- HKU listed among world’s top 50 universities with the most highly cited researchers
- From Picasso to Wong Kar Wai: Career of Auction House Specialists
- JC-WISE 水資源全面睇座談會:河邊有隻雀
- All The Things You Are: Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra
- HKU Lai Chi Wo revitalisation project awarded by American Institute of Architects (Hong Kong Chapter)
- HKU Dentistry finds facial asymmetry correction surgery effective in relieving syndrome of jaw joint pain patients
- Barriers of Hong Kong as an Innovation Hub for High-Tech Development in the Greater Bay Area and Improvement Measures
- Reporting Facts to Power: What the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize means for Journalism
- 中美對抗的前景:理念之爭還是體制之爭?
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