- HKU ranks 26th globally with thirty-eight Highly Cited Researchers
- HKU launches AlumniLand – the first Metaverse designed by HKU members
- HKU iLab’s Remote e-Inspection System for Cross Border MiC Logistics system wins the 2022 Hong Kong ICT Smart Logistics Gold Award
- 馬不停蹄 – 從跑馬地到沙田再返港大:新書講座及簽書會
- Audio guide to 13 historic buildings on HKU campus 賞 • 識港大歷史建築
- The Future Science Prize Award Ceremony 2022 2022 未來科學大獎頒獎典禮
- The Protests in Iran: What’s Happening and Why it Matters
- Beauty and Treasures: Block-printed Editions of the Song Dynasty 宋版之美 人間至寶
- On the Geology Trail: Poland’s Distinctive Landforms
- Gig Economy: Multiple Jobs under the New Normal 零工經濟:一人多職新常態
- An emerging G2? The key to a working US-China rivalry is agency
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