Winners of JUMPSTARTER 2022 | HKU Startups Gense Technologies and Clearbot Open Ocean Engineering

Winners of JUMPSTARTER 2022 | Gense Technologies and Clearbot Open Ocean Engineering

HK startups, with HKU alumni co-founder, Gense Technologies and Clearbot Open Ocean Engineering won beat out strong competition from Hong Kong and APAC to win up to US$4 million in investment from Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund 阿里巴巴創業者基金, after multiple rounds of intense pitching and judging.

JUMPSTARTER 2022 will host a public Grand Finale at K11 MUSEA from May 12 to May 15 to showcase the top 10 JUMPSTARTER 2022 finalists and some of the investees.

兩隊有份由港大校友創立的初創企業 – 醫療成像設備商 Gense Technologies 及智能海洋清潔機械人開發商 Clearbot Open Ocean Engineering 在最後10強中突圍而出,成為今屆新鮮出爐的冠軍,合共獲得400萬美元投資額!

JUMPSTARTER 2022將於5月12日至5月15日在尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號K11 MUSEA舉行創科盛典,展出入圍十強及基金旗下部分投資初創公司的科技展覽。

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