Anjana Dulani Kulasekara (BSc 2014)

Anjana Kulasekara (BSc 2014) – Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Sri Lanka

Anjana was awarded the “Entrepreneur of the Year Award” at the “New Generation Awards 2020” organized by the Women in Management (WIM) on December 8th 2020 in partnership with the National Youth Service Council Sri Lanka. The award was presented for her work on CareerMe ( which is a digital, localized, career guidance solution to develop and realize aspirations of young people for sustainable national growth and development. CareerMe supports individuals to explore education and career options that match their personality, skills, strengths, and interests.

The award “highlight and recognize extraordinary young leadership within the age group of 16 to 30 years, to support and recognize the positive contribution to their communities, nation and the world at large”.

Congratulations to Anjana!

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