- Exploration & Education: From 20th to 21st Century – Meeting World-Renowned Explorer, Dr Wong How Man
- Forging a Shared Future: The Path to a Stronger ASEAN-China Partnership
- HKU Cardiac Imaging Program named one of the top 10 finalists for the 2023 edX Prize for Innovation in Online Learning
- 眼底山川 — 饒宗頤教授寰宇藝踪 Embracing Landscapes: The Artistic Journey of Professor Jao Tsung-i
- Impromptu: ‘Beethoven in Beijing’ Screening & Discussion 漫興樂想 :《貝多芬在北京》放映座談
- Reinvigorating Hong Kong’s Stock Market and Trading Momentum 重振港股氣氛與交投之道
- Trade Networks and Firm Value: Evidence from the US-China Trade War
- Support the first biodiversity museum in Hong Kong
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