On 2022 April 10, HKUAABC had their first in-person event since the Covid-19 pandemic and it was a great success. This event was held more than two years and one month after their last in-person event, and everybody attended were very excited and satisfied.
The event began with a tea and coffee social gathering at the Global Lounge in Simon KY Lee HKU-UBC House, before heading out-door to have a 90 minutes walk and hiking.
There were two routes to choose to walk/hike; many chose an intermediate challenge route of hiking the nearby Foreshore trails passing the Wreck Beach, an optional clothing beach.
Half of the group joined the UBC campus walk, touring the rose garden, historic buildings, and enjoying the cherry blossoms of this season.
There were 40 attendants, and was encouraging to have HKU exchange students in Vancouver, HKU Mentees in the mentorship program, HKU Alumni attending post-graduate degree in Vancouver, and some recent HKU graduates from 2019-2020. HKUAABC wish other HKU alumni associations in Hong Kong and elsewhere the same success in the work of bonding and serving HKU alumni all over the world.