The 93rd Anniversary Ricci Hall Homecoming Dinner and the official opening of the cartouche were successfully conducted on 26 March 2023. About 200 Riccians and guests joined the events to witness the historic moment. Starting with the unveiling of the cartouche, Fr John Tang, Representatives of donors Dr Victor Woo and Mr Peter Yam, Calligrapher Prof Richard Ho, and architect Mr Pang Lee officiated the opening. Prof Ho shared with the crowds the essence of “In your quest for a scholarship follow the man of high ideals, not the man of low ideals,” with personal experiences. It was especially meaningful to have Mr Peter Yam, the Chair of students’ association 67-68 who opened the new hostel with H.E. Sir David Trench, the then Governor some 55 years ago, join the opening of the cartouche. After the unveiling, Fr Robert Ng consecrated the cartouche with holy water, wishing Riccians to grow in mercy and brotherhood.
After the prayer of Fr Baptista, Riccians and guests enjoyed a feast in Dining Hall. In addition to the food from the caterer, we had the pleasure of tasting the roasted pigs and barbecue pork by Mr Chung-ho Law and Tsuen Fat Roasted Limited, with the help of current hallmates. Also, hallmates worked with the neighborhood in Caritas Neighborhood Kitchen to prepare cucumber and jelly ear salad for the event.
As a part of the sequel of the 90th Anniversary fund-raising scheme, Riccians supported the initiative by purchasing hall emblem, mobile chargers, Malayan Cup replicas, and other souvenirs. The dinner was concluded in Ricci Cheer led by various chairmen from different decades.
Cheer for all the things we do!
是次活動延續90週年籌款計劃,不同年代的宿友反應熱烈,競逐車章、充電寶、復刻馬來人盃等各種精美紀念品。嗣後不同年代的宿生會主席引領Ricci Cheer ,在莊重歡呼聲中,彼此祝願宿舍鵬程萬里,日新又新。
Photos & Story from Ricci Hall