Remake of Ricci Hall Photos
Dec 16, 2019
文: Riccians
梁迭起 Nixon Leung (BSc 2014; MEd 2015; MPhil Year 2)
羅睿希 Jeff Lo (BSc Year 3)
張津熙 Ryan Cheung (BBA (Acc&Fin) Year 2)
陳翊俊 Bryan Chan (BA Year 2)
為慶祝利瑪竇宿舍成立90週年, 宿舍文物保育及徵集計劃重新製作宿舍自1930 年至今的宿生年度合照。每年照片印有該年宿生會幹事名單,鏤刻於鍍以特殊防曬塗層的金屬片上,再敷以塑膠板,再鑲於宿舍四方走廊廊柱間。
這項計劃由宿舍舊生會發起,並惠蒙陳應碩醫生、馮志強先生、何文匯教授、劉偉傑先生、雷惠英醫生、薛瑀教授、Daniel Souza 先生、 謝孝衍先生、黃宏發教授、胡志鵬醫生、任錦漢先生、余志明先生等校友慷慨解囊捐助有關計劃。二十多位宿生在校友曾偉賢先生、設計師蘇達輝先生等指導下,自2018年下旬起致力工作。由於宿舍未有部分相片的現成副本,計劃成員參考遠逮戰前的宿舍文獻,並透過口述歷史、大學畢業生名錄、大學學生會刊物等材料,多番核實斠證照片與宿生會幹事會名單。
To celebrate the 90th Anniversary of Ricci Hall, HKU’s establishment, Ricci Hall Archives Conservation and Acquisition Project (RHACAP), HKU is proud and honoured to take up the initiative in remaking our hall photos, together with the corresponding lists of Executive Committee Members, Ricci Hall Students’ Association (RHSA), and HKUSU. Each photo was etched onto metal plates, adhered on an acrylic brick, and finally coated with a special sun protective layer. The photos are then mounted in the Square Corridor, which connects the Old and New Block, located above the Jockey Club Dining Hall.
This project was started off by the Ricci Hall Old Boys’ Association, HKU. In this project, we are thankful to have received generous donations from Dr Ying-sek Chan, Mr Bosco C. K. Fung, Prof. Richard M. W. Ho, Mr Winkie W. K. Lau, Dr Stephen W. Y. Louie, Prof. William Y. Sit, Mr Daniel M. Souza, Mr Aloysious H. Y. Tse, Prof. Andrew W. F. Wong, Dr Victor C. P. Woo, Mr Peter K. H. Yam, and Mr Gabriel C.M. Yu. A total of twenty plus hallmates, under the supervision of the famed Architect Michael W. Y. Tsang and Designer Alan T. F. So, worked in collaboration for this project. Due to the lack of existing photo-copies and insufficient information of past committee lists, our archival assistants had to trace back to older documents such as documentations of Ricci Hall dating to the pre-war era, Graduates List of the University, University Students’ Union publications, as well as the aid of oral history, in order to ascertain the accuracy of both the photos and the committee lists.
After a year of hard work, the photos were eventually installed in the Square corridor in early December 2019, placed beside the Commemoration Plaque installed earlier this year which honours our alumni who sacrificed their lives during the Battle of Hong Kong. Located at the heart of Ricci Hall, the remade photos record the finest of Ricci Hall and present themselves as a vector or frame of Ricci Hall’s education. These photos serve as a reminder for our hallmates to ambitiously strive for excellence and make their actions part of the greater good of Ricci Hall, the University, and Society.
More stories in RICCI, Ricci Hall Newsletter