HKUGA Education Foundation – School Anti-pandemic Care Action

HKUGA Education Foundation – School Anti-pandemic Care Action

“We have all witnessed the devastating situation that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing the community. Among the most hit are the underprivileged communities of the aged and the young. While the Government is actively combating the impact, we can’t help but ask ourselves: what can we do to help, albeit in a small way?

HKU, our alma mater, is taking a lead in turning Loke Yew Hall into a vaccination centre.

Among other things, the acute shortage of COVID-19 test kits to the needy had been identified as urgent. Perhaps, as an education foundation with limited resources, we could offer to help our fellow schools with students in need. On 20 February, we initiated the project “Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation – School Anti-pandemic Care Action” to raise funds for purchase of test kits to support schools with students from less privileged families.

It was encouraging that Hong Kong University Graduates Association (HKUGA) became a supporting organization for this project. Members from both organizations promptly responded. The first batch of 7000 test kits arrived at 14 schools within a week’s time. The beneficiary schools were all grateful for the timely care, and some principals told us it really helped the school in meeting an urgent need. To take it further, the Education Foundation purchased about 17,600 sets of kits for 38 special schools, many with boarding. There was a large demand for anti-pandemic materials as they had to take care of quite a few students who would have to stay in the dormitories even during the special school vacation. The materials were swiftly delivered to each school in early March.” 

“This project has raised almost HKD400K, contributing about 25K test kits to 52 schools. The Education Foundation would like to extend our gratitude to the alumni of the University of Hong Kong who have ardently supported the project!”

HKUGA Education Foundation
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香港大學畢業同學會教育基金 — 學校抗疫關懷行動

「新冠疫情肆虐全球已逾兩年,去年香港疫情總體受控;Omicron的傳入,令本港從2月初起,染疫人數以幾何級數上升。有鑑於此,我們在2月20日倡議了「香港大學畢業同學會教育基金 — 學校抗疫關懷行動」,為協助社區及學校應對疫情,籌款以購買檢測試劑,發放給較多基層學生就讀而物資較匱乏的學校。縱使我們的支援或許不足道,本著人間有愛,大疫之際,更須各方合力同心,互相支援,減低醫療系統的壓力,讓社會早日「康復」。



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