Josy Chow (BA 2022), born with a genetic disorder ‘spinal muscular atrophy’ (SMA), graduated from the University after seven years of studies. Josy completed her Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English Studies.
患有「脊髓性肌肉萎縮症」的周佩珊 (Josy),由原本四年的課程延至七年,今她終於以二級榮譽甲等畢業,主修英國語文研究。
Seven years of continuous journey
“Since I can only type two to three words per minute, my essays seemed a never-ending task. Thank you so much to the University of Hong Kong for providing me scholarships to support my accommodation, tuition and daily expenses, and thanks to Simon K. Y. Lee Hall for their support, allowing me to move and use necessary medical equipment in the dorm. I graduated today and finished with a triumph. I’m happy!”
「我一分鐘只可打兩,三個字, Essay做極都做唔完。好多謝港大及李國賢堂的支持,可以將家中整套醫療裝備搬到學校宿舍,又提供獎學金支持宿費、學費、以及日常開支。今日畢業啦,完成咗依個壯舉,好開心!」
A Graduation for the “dream team”
Although Josy can only move two fingers and her daily life requires her to use a wheelchair to get around, she was never alone. Throughout the seven years, Josy had her “dream team” – her mother and helper – always with her, come rain or shine. From living in her dorm together and attending classes to playing bridge with friends, the three of them share unique and beautiful memories of university life.
Big congratulations to Josy and her dream team on their graduation!
Josy 全身僅有兩隻手指可動,日常生活需以輪椅代步,但她從不孤單。 她的全能媽媽和女傭姐姐,七年來有如Josy的「最佳拍檔」,一直陪伴左右。一齊住宿舍、一齊番學、一齊與宿友玩橋牌…七年美好的大學回憶不只屬於Josy一個。拍攝畢業照時,她們三人流露著的喜悅和興奮並非一般人所理解。她們背後付出所換來的,豈只是一張沙紙,更是一份尊重。誰說只有兩根手指不能港大畢業?