Recreating Majesty | Interview with Rocco Yim, Architect of the HK Palace Museum

Full Exclusive in-depth interview with Rocco Yim

“We have to be inspired by tradition, but we should not be enslaved by tradition. We should be always ready to adapt, and take what is relevant from tradition to suit the practical and contemporary needs of our present times.”

— Rocco Yim 嚴迅奇 (BA(ArchStud) 1974; BArch 1976; Hon DSocSc 2013)

The Alumni News is proud to present an in-depth interview with Rocco Yim 嚴迅奇 (BA(ArchStud) 1974; BArch 1976; Hon DSocSc 2013), HKU alumnus and architect of the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM).

He shares with us his philosophy and principles in designing the iconic project in the West Kowloon Cultural District. The HKPM opened last month with displays of 914 artefacts from the Palace Museum in Beijing, as well as antiquities from HKU’s University Museum and Art Gallery.

Take a 360° video journey inside the HKPM guided by Rocco

Read the in-depth Q&A with Rocco and other HKU architect alums and professors’ stories in the Alumni News

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