- HKU Young Alumni named Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2021
- Vivian Wong (Arts)
- Agarwal Raghav, Garg Oshi, Kashyap Abhigyan (Engineering)
- HKU wins history making University Sports Federation Soccer Championship
- Professor Guosheng Yin elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 2021
- Vinko Globokar’s Percussion 葛洛波卡的敲擊樂
- Contextualize ABCD5I in the Greater Bay Area: AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data, & 5G/IOT
- Teacher Education in Post-pandemic Times: The Singaporean Experience
- Happy Times Card 照顧者的小確幸 – 快樂時光卡片集
- HKU scientist contributes to newly launched Second World Ocean Assessment
- Adding Value: Living with Intelligent Machines
- How did socialism come to China? 社會主義是如何來到中國的
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