- HKU confers Honorary University Fellowships on five distinguished individuals
- Mechanical Engineering Professor Xiaobo Yin wins Xplorer Prize 2022
- HKU academics awarded under RGC Senior Research Fellow and Research Fellow Schemes 2022-23
- HKU and ASTRI join hands to expand R&D talent pool in Hong Kong
- 早期香港傑出華商
- Strategic Scientific and Technological Capacity Building in Clinical Medicine
- Ink Art & New Music
- Powerful Pedagogy Post Pandemics
- Free Legal Advice Scheme on HKU Campus 港大校園免費法律諮詢計劃
- HKU initiates Global Ant Census, at least twenty quadrillion ants dominate the global ecosystems
- High-speed imaging technology that captures blood flow at the single-cell level in the awake brain
- HKU-CAS researchers make key breakthrough with biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption
- HKU geologist proposes the number of ancient Martian lakes might have been dramatically underestimated by scientists
- HKU ecologists find evidence that pet and medicine trades bring tokay geckos from across Asia into Hong Kong
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