- HKU Alumni featured on Tatler’s Gen.T List 2023
- Six HKU academics named the 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars (Honourable Mention)
- Professor Hongzhe Sun and his team receive the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2023 Dalton Horizon Prize
- Nobuyuki Tsujii in Recital 辻井伸行鋼琴獨奏會
- FINAL: Collect the first-ever HKU NFTs
- A Taste of Life – How Death teaches us to Live 感悟人生 – 香港大學遺體捐贈日
- Unlock the wisdom of Buddhism through the timeless beauty of its languages
- Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Drives High-quality Economic Growth 知識產權商業化有利經濟高質量發展
- Beyond Technology – Boosting Adoption is Key for Central Bank Digital Currency Viability in Asia Pacific
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