Dear HKU alumni and friends,
We hope that you are keeping well and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. While March is normally the time when the Board would be sending out e-notice to you all about the upcoming activities such as our Annual General Meeting, however it is an unusual time for us this year due to the COVID-19 situation.
Our Board members have been monitoring the situation specially about the importance of practicing social distancing as warned by public Health agencies from the federal, provincial and municipal levels. We support the notion of working together to slow down the spread of the virus, for everyone’s sake.
Rest assured that while we are postponing the timing of the AGM and dinner, and also refrain from publicising news of any other social events including Joint U activities most of those are cancelled anyway due to the pandemic, we are making sure that we have your best interest at heart.
If the situation improves, we will also consider a spring hike around May/June
Kindly be patient and await our announcement of the AGM dinner and update on social activities when the situation becomes more favourable. The Board begs your indulgence in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
Lilian Ma, President of HKUAAO
Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario