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July 21, 2024 HKJU 2024 Summer Picnic

We are excited that HKJU (Hong Kong Joint Universities) is organizing a picnic for alumni of various universities from Hong Kong.  

Theme : Good Food & Fun Games

Date : Sunday July 21, 2024
Time : 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
Venue : Markham Milne Dam Conservation Park (Lakeview B Shelter)
 –  8251 McCowan Road, Markham, ON L3P 3J3
Cost:   @$20 (per person – Lunch and drink included) 
           @$10 (6 – 12 years old)

           @Free of charge for those under 6 years old

          * Park admission fee extra

Driving directions and details are outlined in the attached file and poster.  
*Registration is first come first served, so please hurry up.*
Registration closes on Monday, July 15, 2024

Please register using the online registration form on or before July 15 (Monday) if you are interested. You will be asked to provide your name and contact phone number, as well as emergency contact person (name and phone).
All registrants and their guests are asked to read and sign the waiver as follow and then send to Mr. Tim Cheng by email: tacheng0202@gmail.com


Looking forward to seeing you all at the picnic.

16 March, 2024 HKU Alumni Day

Season’s greetings! Hey, we are organizing a big homecoming on campus “HKU Alumni Day” March 16th, 2024! Hope you and our alum in Toronto can join in person!! For those who won’t be able to fly back, we will do things online. All 10 faculties are also working with us to make this a memorable day!

Message from Monica Wong (HKUDAAO)

December 9, 2023 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner

HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner 2023

Date:    December 9, 2023 (Saturday)

Time:    5:30pm AGM; 6:00pm Reception; 6:30pm Dinner

Venue:  Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant
              8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, Tel: 905-597-8508
              Map & Direction 

Cost:    HKUAAO member and immediate family members $75, Non-member $80, Child (age 2-12) $40
**Please note that if you have registered but are unable to attend, the full cost will still be applicable.

Please register using the online form below :


Registration Deadline: December 3, 2023

For additional information, please contact:  

Margaret Law 416-576-6683; margaret.law@newhorizonlionsclub.org
Tim Cheng 416-270-9830; tacheng0202@gmail.com
Hilton Lok 647-627-3638
; hilton.lok@gmail.com
Raymond Leung 416-816-3682; rl_wm@yahoo.com

We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for 2023 – 2024 at the A.G.M.
This is an opportunity to network with old and new friends, HKU exchange students, and to have a fun evening.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant, 8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, with the following business to be transacted:-
To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2022 -2023.
To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the year 2023/2024;
To transact any other business.

By the order of the Board of Directors
Agnes Man, Secretary, October 20, 2023

For nominations please follow the attached guideline.

E- Notice regarding to Annual General Meeting 2023 (Updated on December 5, 2023)

November 23, 2023 HKUAAO Introduction to Snowsports in Canada Webinar

Date: November 23, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm
Format: Zoom

Online Registration: https://forms.gle/5nnGkh9H4vUZx5sd8

Deadline: November 20, 2023 (Monday)
Language: English
Cost: Free
Presenters:  Lilian Ma  and Mark Spraggett
Lilian and Mark are Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance (CSIA) and Canadian Alliance of Snowboard Instructors (CASI)  certified  Instructors and Coaches, they will talk about the basics of the snowsports, equipments and clothing, safety precautions, and other basic information regarding skiing and snowboarding plus a  brief introduction to snow resorts in Ontario and other parts in Canada.

Enjoy the upcoming Winter in Canada!

There will be a Q & A session after presentation.  Please post your questions during your registration.

There is no recording for the webinar. 

October 21, 2023 Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario) – Mini Sports Day & Dinner 2023

由浸會、中大、珠海、理工、嶺南、樹仁、港大、城大及科大9間院校校友會組成的安省香港專上校友會聯會,主辦2023 JU 迷你運動會暨週年聯歡晚宴。項目包括:乒乓球、羽毛球、籃球、排球、室內足球、團體遊戲等
日期: 10月21日 (星期六)
比賽:  9am – 5:30pm 於 Markham Pan Am Centre (Kennedy & Hwy 407)
晚宴: 6pm – 10pm 於紫爵金宴 (Warden & Hwy 7)
截止報名日期: 9月16日




Hilton Lok

Cell: 647 627 3638 / WhatsApp: 647 982 7920

Winnie Fung

Cell / WhatsApp: 416 566 2283

Message from the HKUAAO President, Margaret Law


When the New Year starts, everything is refreshed and revitalized

一年伊始, 萬象更新

Let me start by wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year.

2023 marks the Year of the Rabbit in the Lunar Chinese Calendar. Rabbit is a symbol of fortune, health, energy, fertility and gentleness.

I would like to share with you my New Year Resolution inspired by the characteristics and traits of a rabbit.

To have long ears like a rabbit to enable us to hear from near and far; to be empathetic and compassionate to others’ needs;  

To have red eyes , not from working overnight, but from opening our eyes wide  to see what is happening in the world ;

To have good health , energy and quickness in response. Quoted : Moving like a running rabbit “動若脱兔”

Maybe it is not a bad idea to adopt a vegetarian diet like that of a rabbit’s.

Last but not least, I would like to conclude with the idiom” a rabbit crossing your path” . I sincerely wish that you all see this rabbit crossing your path bringing you good luck and a positive change in your lives.

HKUAAO is here to serve, facilitate and communicate with our alumni in Ontario.    

News Updates

1.    As of 2023 January, we will be accepting membership fees via email transfer now. A fillable membership registration form can be found online at the following site:  http://www.alumni.hku.hk/hkuaaont/about-us/membership

2.    Regarding our Newcomers Support Program, there are over 100 HKU alumni newly migrated to Canada who joined our Newcomers Support Program. We need more HKUAAO supporters to help facilitate the program. Please visit https://www.alumni.hku.hk/hkuaaont/support-hku-alumni-to-ontario for more information.

3.    The following interest groups are currently running their own activities and all members will be welcome to join. Please visit https://www.alumni.hku.hk/hkuaaont/upcoming-events/interest-group-activites for more details.

a.    Badminton

b.    Bird watching Group

c.    Hiking Group

d.    Karaoke Group

e.    Table Tennis Group

If you have any questions regarding the above groups, please contact our board of directors. Thank you.

Recap of a recent activity related to HKU alumni

On January 2nd, a group of about 30 HKU alumni who are table tennis fans organized a table tennis get together at My Table Tennis Club at Mississauga. Our executives Lilian Ma, Frankie Cheng, Hilton Lok and myself were happy to join them. 

November 18, 2022 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner

After an absence of over 3 years, we are pleased to announce that we will have an in-person AGM and dinner once again, with details as follows:

Date: November 18, 2022 (Friday)
Time: 6:00 p.m. AGM; 6.30 p.m. Reception; 7:00 p.m. Dinner
Venue: Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant
8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, Tel: 905-597-8508
Cost: $70 per adult, $40 for mentee and child under 12.
Deadline: November 8, 2022 (Tuesday)
Registration is now closed.

For additional information, please contact:
Tim Cheng 416-270-9830; tacheng0202@gmail.com, or,
Romeo Au 416-529-3361; romeoyhau@gmail.com, or,
Augustine Chan at 416-930-3666; augustinetoronto@hotmail.com

We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for 2022 – 2023 at the A.G.M.
We need new blood for the Board and all members are encouraged to nominate and be nominated for the Board for the coming year.
This is an opportunity to network with old and new friends, HKU exchange students, and to have a fun evening.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Friday, the 18th day of November, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant, 8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, with the following business to be transacted:-
To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2021 -2022;
To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the year 2022/2023;
To transact any other business.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any regular member in good standing shall be entitled to nominate another regular member in good standing to the Board of Directors and to be elected to the Board and to cast vote. Any such nomination should be emailed to the Association at: hkuaaont@hku.hk

By the order of the Board of Directors
Agnes Man, Secretary, October 6, 2022