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October 6, 2019 HKJU (Ontario) Talent Show and Gala Dinner

Talent Show 2:00 – 6:00 pm.

The hosting university, Chu Hai Alumni Association suggested to organize a talent show instead of a sports activity for a change. The idea received huge support from all alumni associations. The event was held in Infiniti Strings’ concert hall in Markham with professional audio and video facilities.  A rehearsal was arranged two weeks before so participants could acquaint themselves with the venue and audio/visual facilities to raise a notch in their performance.

You could not believe how good the performances were. All participants had shown their utmost professionalism, dedication and put on their best effort to entertain the audience. Together with the audio, video and special effects, I must say close to 200 audience could not imagine these ‘amateurs’ can put up such an excellent show that they can talk for weeks, if not months.

Over 30 alumni came to enjoy and show support to our mini musical drama led by our Eddie Ho, Maggie Poon, Margaret Law and Verdi Yau. Their act微型音樂劇:家豪與愛玲won the Favourite Performance (最受歡迎獎), one of the four awards. The other awards went to:

浸會大學 (Baptist U) – Award of Creativity (最佳創意獎) – Dancing: Dark Forces  

嶺南大學 (LingNan U) – Best Costume & Make Up Design (最佳做型獎) : 古箏妙韻樂悠揚

理工大學 (Polytechnic U) – Award of Excellence (最專業演出獎) 婦唱夫彈 : 情意兩漫漫

Congratulation to all winners and also to all performers. Without them, we could not have a wonderful and enjoyable afternoon to share with our families and friends.

In case you wonder what had been performed during the Talent Show, below please find the programs for your ‘imagination’.

程序 型式 項目 演出校友
1 樂器 西樂伴奏 : 金曲 Medley 中文大學
2 歌曲/舞蹈 經典”君”曲巡禮 浸會大學
3 舞蹈 Zumba勁舞賀JU 樹仁大學
4 歌曲 廣東小調:風流夢 珠海大學
5 歌曲 難忘金曲 : 聽海 珠海大學
6 中國工夫 虎鶴雙形拳 理工大學
7 樂器 古箏妙韻樂悠揚:山丹丹開花紅豔豔  /  瀏陽河 嶺南大學
8 音樂劇 微型音樂劇:家豪與愛玲 香港大學
9 舞蹈 Waltz舞翩翩 理工大學
10 歌曲 粵曲:山伯哭英台 珠海大學
11 特式 「但願人長久」朗誦,歌唱,書法,中樂伴奏 中文大學
12 歌曲 經典金曲:愛到發燒 理工大學
13 樂器 二胡合奏 : 彩雲追月 科技大學
14 舞蹈 Dancing : Dark Forces 浸會大學
15 歌曲 粵曲小調 : 樓台會 樹仁大學
16 歌曲 中西樂韻:一生最愛/ O Mio Babbino Caro 嶺南大學
17 歌曲 金曲 : 祝我幸福 樹仁大學
18 歌曲/樂器 婦唱夫彈 : 情意兩漫漫 理工大學
Gala Dinner – 6:00 – 11:00 pm.

As usual, JU committee had arranged a gala dinner right after the Talent Show and almost 300 alumni, guest, families and friends had attended. They made use of this banquet to celebrate all the hard work, efforts they had given for all JU activities organized in 2019. HKUAAO had 60 alumni came to share the fun and joy. During the banquet, a lot of thoughtful performances were organized and especially the repeated performance of the awards winners in the Talent Show to give those who were not able to come in the afternoon.

The evening included passing the baton to 2020 JU hosting university – Polytechnic University Alumni Association and souvenir presentation to our long time sponsor – Hong Kong Economics and Trade Office (Toronto). Together with nice people, good food, excellent performances and warm atmosphere, JU alumni, families and friends left the gala dinner full of joy and happiness and anticipated to return in 2020.

Reported by Romeo Au

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Photo by KC Choi

Hong Kong Joint Universities (HKJU) in Ontario Activities Update

Dear Alumni,

I am sure we are looking forward to the HKJU annual function on this Sunday Oct, 6, 2019. I just reiterate the events on the day if you by chance have missed our previous notice.

A. HKJU Talent Show

Date: Sunday October 6, 2019
Time: 13:30 – 17:00
Venue: Infiniti Music Hall Unit 1, 351 Ferrier St., Markham ON L35 5Z2

There will be 18 programmes like singing, dancing, kung-fu, musical instrument, drama etc. perform by different alumni. I enclose a program for your reference. Over 30 HKUAAO alumni already committed to show up to give full support for the performers.

HKUAAO will perform a 20 minutes musical ‘家豪與愛玲’. Director, script writer and performers are Verdi Yau and Maggie Poon. The story is about the love story of a young couple during World War II in Hong Kong and Canada. Together with alumni Margaret Law, Eddie Ho, Danny Leung, Sylvia Tang and Thomas Law and 4 songs (Beyond <<十八>>, 大壯<<我們不一樣>>, Simon & Garfunkel <<Sound of Silence>> and Beyond <<光輝歲月>>) are incorporated in the drama, I just can’t wait to see their performance. If you have time, please come and cheer for them.

Seats are limited and HKJU will try to accommodate everyone to the best of the situation. Entrance is prohibited when program begins and allowed during the interval of each program. Therefore please be considerate and patience at times.

In addition, parking is limited. Please come by car pool or ask people to drop off you to the venue. If you by chance can find a spot in front of Infiniti Strings, make sure you can park in Unit 1 spot only. However, you are free to park any spaces at the back of the building since most offices are off in weekend. If full, you can try side streets or plaza nearby.

B. HKJU Gala DinnerDate: Sunday October 06, 2019
Time: 18:00 – 22:00
Venue: Casa Victoria Fine Dining (紫爵金宴)  
             Unit 4-6, 8601 Warden Ave. Markham, ON  L3R 0B5
Cost: $50.00 per person

The response is excellent and we will have close to 30 tables. Registration is closed and over 60 HKUAAO alumni and their friends will celebrate the JU spirits together. For those who have registered, you should receive an email from me in the next day or so. Please contact romeoyhau@hotmail.com (416-529-3361) if you don’t.

Hoping to see you all on this Sunday.


Romeo Au
Designated Representative to HKJU 2019

September 29, 2019 HKUAAO 2019 Fall Hike

The Fall Hike on Sept 29, 2019 took place in the Bob Hunter Memorial Park in Markham. The park, being part of the Rouge National Park System, commemorates Bob Hunter (1941-2005), a Canadian environmental champion who worked tirelessly to protect biodiversity and celebrate nature.  It was a beautiful Sunday with fresh Crispy Fall air. There were 18 alumni from HKUAAO participating. Together with another hiking group led by Mr. Wong, we had total of 40 hikers altogether. We hiked for about 2 hours and then followed with a visit to the nearby farm, Judy’s Tropical Farm. The hike ended at around 5pm. After the hike, HKUAAO alumni joined the other hiking group and had a dinner in a restaurant in Markham.
Reported by Glendy Sze

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September 29, 2019 HKUAAO 2019 Fall Hike

Bob Hunter Memorial Park & Judy’s Tropical Farm – Sunday September 29, 2019

Please join your HKU alumni and friends for a hike in the Bob Hunter Memorial Park in Markham. The park, being part of the Rouge National Urban Park system, commemorates Bob Hunter (1941-2005), a Canadian environmental champion, journalist and author who worked tirelessly to protect biodiversity and celebrate nature.

Meeting time/place: 1:30 pm at Bob Hunter Memorial Park parking lot.

Meeting place: Parking area at 7277 14th Avenue
Parking: Free, but limited
Washroom: A portable washroom is seasonally available near the parking lot 

Directions: Go east on Steeles Ave East, turn left on Ressor Rd., turn left on 14thAvenue, turn left to Bob Hunter Memorial Park parking lot.

We will do a 8-9 km loop in about 2 – 3 hours, followed by a visit to a farm (Judy’s Tropical Farm).

The hike should be completed at around 4 pm or so.

Cost of hike : free


Dinner time : 6 pm   

Venue : Grand Lake Chinese Cuisine (太湖盛宴), at 8362 Kennedy Rd, at SW Hwy 7 & Kennedy, Markham. 

Estimated dinner cost : about $25 per head

Please register by using the online registration form or via email to :

Glendy Sze (glsze@rogers.com) or Augustine Chan (augustinetoronto@hotmail.com) before Sept 23 (Monday) if you are interested. Please provide your name and contact phone number, as well as emergency contact person (name and phone). Please indicate if you will join dinner as well.

Note – According to Public Health Ontario, estimated risk areas for ticks & Lyme disease in Ontario have expanded this year. The following are tips on tick protection:

  • wear long sleeves, light-coloured clothing with everything tucked in 
  • wear bug repellant 
  • stay in the middle of trails 
  • take a bath or shower after a hike 
  • always do your checks after a hike because a tick could be as small as a poppy seed 

Click here for more information about Lyme Disease

All registrants and their guests are asked to read the waiver as follow.* 

Click here to read HKUAAO – Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk

By registering, you are acknowledging that you and your guests have read, understood, accepted and will abide the terms and conditions of the said waiver.

See you soon!

June 22, 2019 HKJU Summer Picnic – Sibbald Point Provincial Park

Almost 100 JU alumni, families and friends attended the summer picnic in Sibbald Point Provincial, south east of Lake Simco, about an hour drive from downtown Toronto. The picnic provided a chance for us to take a break and enjoy the country side on a lovely sunny day. Under the lead of our President, Lilian Ma, HKUAAO had a contingent of 12 people. She also brought her 3 cutie doggies along.

Various activities were organized including hiking along the park and the lakeshore, photos shooting, games involved individuals and groups. All alumni were heavily involved and participated fully in the activities. The organizer also brought in a professional photographer taking aerial photos for us with a drone. Most of us were excited and tons of photos were captured. The organizer had provided an excellent choice of food highlighted with 2 roasted pigs to fill our stomach. Some alumni said they needed to do more exercise after to dust off a few pounds. In the picnic, we had the opportunity to make new friends with other JU alumni as well as understanding more of our own. I am sure we all had a good time and enjoyed the day.

I would like to thank the support of Christina Jong & Sam Grey, Darius & Amy Wong, Irene & Jason Yee, Margaret & Albert Liu, Lilian Ma & Mark Spragett, Liza Tsui to make our event memorable.

Click here to view photo album

Reported by Romeo Au

May 26, 2019 HKUAAO Spring hike

On May 26, 2019, with the help of Tom, the organizer and hike leader together with other volunteers, the annual Spring Hike event was held successfully with good participation of nearly 40 alumni, their families and friends in Rouge Valley.  The weather and spirit of the participants were good with everyone having good time.  After the hike, about 18 people stayed and enjoyed a nice dinner together with others for the hike.

Reported by Joannes Tsang

Hong Kong Joint Universities (HKJU) in Ontario Activities Update

Dear Alumni,

I think you know there are activities organized by Hong Kong Joint Universities (HKJU) in Ontario every year. Each university alumni will take turn to lead every year and the rest will work as a team. This year, Chu Hai University Alumni Association of East Canada (珠海大學加東校友會) takes up the leading role. Augustine Chan, an integral part of HKJU is our designated representatives together with myself this year.

For those who have attended our AGM banquet last Sunday know there are a few things going on when Mr. Wing Lung Chan, the chair introduced the activities. I sum up here for your reference.

A. Picnic in Sibbald Point Provincial Park

Date: Saturday June 22, 2019
Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Venue: Sibbald Point Provincial Park, Town of Sutton, Ontario
Cost: $20 per person (excluding vehicles entrance fee)
Transportation: Carpool or your own transportation
Details: Click here to download more information
Registration by Wednesday May 1, 2019
Augustine Chan (augustinetoronto@hotmail.com)(416.930,3666) 
Romeo Au (romeoyhau@hotmail.com) (416.529.3361)                

B. Talent Quest By Alumni and Partners

Date: Sunday October 6, 2019
Time: 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. (tentatively)
Venue: Infiniti Music Hall Unit 1, 351 Ferrier St., Markham ON L35 5Z2
Program Suggestion:
We appeal to alumni with different talents to share with other universities alumni to make this a memorable afternoon.

C. HKJU Banquet

Date: Sunday October 06, 2019
Time: 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Venue: Casa Victoris (紫爵金宴)  
Unit 4-6, 8601 Warden Ave. Markham, ON  L3R 0B5
Cost: Not known yet
Registration & Contacts for Event B & C:               
Augustine Chan (augustinetoronto@hotmail.com)(416.930,3666)
Romeo Au (romeoyhau@hotmail.com) (416.529.3361) 

Do come out to enjoy activities with your family, friends and meet more alumni from other universities.

Romeo Au
HKJU Designated Representative 2019
Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario

April 14, 2019 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner 2019

The 34th HKUAAO AGM dinner was held at Premier Ballroom & Convention Centre in Markham, Ontario on April 14, 2019.  It was well-attended by Alumni members, Board Directors, mentees, families, friends, Special Guests as well as representatives from the Joint  University Alumni Associations from Hong Kong.

The Dinner event was organized by the AGM Dinner committee headed by Tim Cheng.  The night’s program ran smoothly under the direction of MCs Margaret Law and Eddie Ho. The production was led by Romeo Au with assistance on the floor by Raymond Leung and Frankie Cheng.

The dinner started with a welcome message from Wilson Chan, the President, who thanked all alumni, founding and current board members, supporters and volunteers for their invaluable support to the organization during the past year.  The MCs also announced the list of VIPs in attendance. A video bringing greetings from the HKU President and Vice Chancellor, Professor Zhang Xiang, was shown.

Ms. Emily Mo, Director of The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, delivered the keynote speech and updated dinner participants on the latest news of the Great Bay area around Hong Kong.

Other highlights of the dinner included recognition of Tim Cheng for his Outstanding Achievement Award to the HKUAAO, the work of the various activity committees and interests groups, support from the other University Alumni Associations, and the Passing of the Brick ceremony from the outgoing president, Wilson Chan, to Lilian Ma, the incoming president, who thanked Wilson for a job well done and delivered a short greeting to the audience.

The night was filled with fun and entertainment, not to mention the great dinner menu and joyous social opportunities; it also featured lucky draw of 26 donated prizes from sponsors, as well as Karaoke entertainment by Eddie Ho, Judy Leung, Joe Cho, Nick Wong and Margaret Law. The night ended with more photo sessions, with the help throughout from our dedicated Alumni photographers Chris Tam and HK Pong.

We thank Margaret Law and Eddie Ho, our excellent MCs, as well as many alumni and volunteers who together delivered another well attended, successful and memorable HKUAAO annual dinner.

Reported by Lilian Ma

Click here to view photo album 1
Click here to view photo album 2
Click here to view photo album 3

HKUAAO 2019 Spring Hike

We will admire the Spring forest scent  and flowers by having a 9 km loop hike from Rouge Valley to Indian Tree Tent Site in Wilderness Section on Sunday May 26, 2019, followed by a dinner party at Grand Lake Chinese Cuisine & Banquet (太湖盛宴), 8362 Kennedy Rd., at SW Hwy 7/Kennedy, Markham.

Hiking meeting time/place: 1:00 pm Sunday May 26, 2019 at Twyn River Road parking lot.

Meeting Place

From Unionville GO Station to the parking lot

Directions: Take 401 Exit 389 to Meadowvale Road north, turn right on Sheppard Ave, pass a church, turn left on Twyn River Rd., pass over a steel bridge and a concrete bridge and turn right to the parking lot.

The hike should be completed around 4.30 pm or so.

Dinner time/venue: 6:00 pm May 26, 2019 at  Grand Lake Chinese Cuisine & Banquet (8362 Kennedy Rd, south of Hwy 7).

Estimated dinner cost is about $30 per head.

Family members and friends are welcome.

Please register by using the online form or via email to Joannes Tsang (joannest@hotmail.com) before May 20 if you are interested.  Please provide your name and contact phone number,  as well as emergency contact person (name and phone).  Please indicate if you will join dinner as well.

All registrants and their guests are asked to read the waiver as follow.*

Click here to read HKUAAO – Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk

By registering, you are acknowledging that you and your guests have read, understood, accepted and will abide the terms and conditions of the said waiver.

Best Regards,

Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario

Registration Form:

HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner 2019

Date: April 14, 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 5:30 pm AGM / 6:00 pm Reception / 7:00 pm Dinner
Venue: Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre (釣魚臺國宴)
Venue Address: 9019 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4A3 Tel: 905.709.3602

Cost: $60 for Adult / $40 for Mentee
Registration & Contacts:
Tim Cheng (tc@timcheng-ca.com / 416.270.9830)
Wilson Chan (wc@wilsonchanca.com / 905.305.6812)
Augustine Chan (augustinetoronto@hotmail.com / 416.930.3666)
Romeo Au (romeoyhau@hotmail.com / 416.529.3361)

We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for 2019 – 2020 at the A.G.M. All members are encouraged to nominate and be nominated for the Board for the coming year.
Come and meet your alumni friends. This is an excellent opportunity to connect and re-connect with many fellow alumni in an evening of entertainment and fun. All alumni, family and friends are welcome.