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Nov 7, 2020 HKUAAO’s Birding Under COVID-19 Pandemic Presentation
Dear HKUAAO members,
The HKUAAO wishes to thank Dr. Michael Lam and the assistance of Dr. Ellen Lam in the presentation of the webinar on birding during the COVID pandemic on Nov 7 2020. We have approximately 30 particpants who engaged in a successful two hour interactive event.
We are sharing this event recording with all of you and you can click on this link to view at any time.
Hope to see you at one of our functions soon.
On behalf of the HKUAAO
Lilian Ma
President of Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario
HKUAAO Birding under COVID-19 Pandemic (March – October 2020)
Dear Alumni,
With self-care and the pursuit of hobbies being more important than ever, we are thrilled to invite you to join us for a fun virtual session on : Birding during the COVID-19 Pandemic
on November 7, 7:30 PM EST.
During this interactive session, Dr. Michael Lam ( graduate year 1978 ) will share his experience of bird watching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In times of lockdown and isolation, bird watching itself , as a form of exercise, connects us to nature. It also allows us to interact with our friends through sharing stories, pictures and knowledge. It can be an independent sport or one that can be shared together with friends.
Join us and prepared to see wonderful photos from his photo collection, and some from other HKU birding group members too!
Please register here for this webinar if you are interested.
We hope that you’ll join us! Let us bring you to a world of beauty and wonder!
Ellen Leung
Special Interest Group – Bird Watching
Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario
Date: November 7, 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting
Cost: Free
Registration: Please register using the form below* Zoom meeting details will be sent to all participants on November 5, 2020.
Registration is over. Thanks for your support!
September 23, 2020 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting
The 35th HKUAAO AGM was held via Zoom due to COVID 19 ban on in person indoor meeting. It was attended by 17 Alumni members and Board Directors pursuant to e-notices sent out by our Secretary, Communication and Membership Directors.
The Board had delayed the holding of the AGM in April 2020, under normal circumstances according to our by-law. However, delay for the AGM for 6 months was allowed due to the Pandemic under the Ontario Corporations Act through the Ontario Emergency Orders which were effective since March 17, 2020. Also, a virtual AGM meeting format was allowed. Unfortunately, as a result, we could not hold the usual Dinner event which normally follows the AGM as in the past.
Nevertheless, under these difficult circumstances, we did the usual formalities required such as quorum confirmation, chair and secretary for the meeting designation, as well as appointment of Scrutineers and Sargeant- at-arms for the meeting.
Business dealt with included the receipt and adoption of the 2019 AGM minutes, President’s Report for 2019-20 and Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement for 2019-20.
Election was held resulted in the following slate being elected: as the new Board of Directors:
Lilian Ma
Augustine Chan
Romeo Au
Tim Cheng
Verdi Yau
Maggie Poon
Franki Cheng
Raymond Leung
Dennis Au Yeung
Margaret Law
Wilson Chan
Glendy Sze
Evelyn Man ( overseas)
The AGM took one hour to complete.
On behalf of the Association, we would like to thank all the members who took time to attend the AGM. We also thank the Board of Directors for 2019 -20 and our Honorary Advisors Irene Chu and Peggy Sum, Bassanio So, as well as our Hon. Chair Professor Tsui Lap Chi for their support. We also thank the leaders of the various interest groups for their contributions to keep our alumni and family members together in their various interests such as birding, table tennis, hiking activities etc. throughout the year. We hope to see each other again soon when the pandemic is over.
Reported by Lilian Ma
2019 -2020 President of the HKUAAO
HKUAAO Annual General Meeting 2020
Date: September 23, 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting
Cost: Free
Registration: Please register using the form below
We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for 2020 – 2021 at the A.G.M. All members are encouraged to nominate and be nominated for the Board for the coming year.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Wednesday, the 23th day of September, 2020 at 7 p.m. by Online Zoom Meeting with the following business to be transacted: –
– To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2019-2020;
– To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
– To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the year 2020-2021;
– To transact any other business.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any regular member in good standing shall be entitled to nominate another regular member in good standing to the Board of Directors and to be elected to the Board and to cast vote. Any such nomination should be emailed to the Association at hkuaaont@hku.hk on or before September 10th 2020.
By the order of the Board of Directors
Pierre Fan, HKUAAO Secretary, August 30, 2020
HKUAAO AGM 2020 is over.
Thanks for your support!
Happy Easter and COVID 19 Update
Dear HKU Alumni and Members of HKUAAO:
Normally during this time around Easter the HKUAAO would have held our joyful AGM and dinner event where we would get together, say hello and renew old acquaintances. However, this year is marked by the unusual COVID-19 pandemic and it does not look like we can resume our normal programs until well after the summer months. Nevertheless, the Board of Directors would like to send a Happy Easter message to all and wish you a healthy and safe staycation with your family for the public good during these Easter holidays! We win if we are not physically together!
If you check our Alma Mater website, you will find out how HKU is responding to the impact of the COVID-19. In particular, the HKU LKS Faculty of Medicine School of Public Health has a useful website which provides up to date information on the coronavirus. Feel free to explore and follow the development at our Alma Mater.
HKUAAO, although not an organization for any designated social causes, is a responsible community group and had in the past supported issues when needed, like enhancing the awareness of the Chinese heritage, to raising fund for the SARS deceased hero,etc.
During this crisis, I am sure many of you have already extended help in one way or another to help fight the spread of COVID-19, to support our front line colleagues and to help the needy. This Update, as concerned members of community, is just a reminder for your consideration to continue to do our part to help fight the spread of the virus and to help the vulnerable in our community.
The Board of HKUAAO became aware that a number of our alumni are involved in fundraising to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. We have listed several below for your reference. There are, of course, other organizations in the community which are carrying out similar or other activities to fight this horrible common enemy.
A campaign called by Dr. Joseph Wong https://www.stopcovid19gta.com/
A campaign partnered with Carefirst is calling for masks https://frontlinemasks.ca/
A campaign by New Horizon Lion Club and Mackenzie Health https://mhf.akaraisin.com/hostanevent/newhorizonlionsclub
A campaign for North York General Hospital https://events.nygh.on.ca/site/TR?px=1565999&fr_id=1160&pg=personal
Thank you all for your support. Let us remain optimistic and keep healthy. We hope to see you all after the summer!
Yours sincerely,
Lilian Ma (President of HKUAAO)
On behalf of all the Board Directors
Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario
Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dear HKU alumni and friends,
We hope that you are keeping well and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. While March is normally the time when the Board would be sending out e-notice to you all about the upcoming activities such as our Annual General Meeting, however it is an unusual time for us this year due to the COVID-19 situation.
Our Board members have been monitoring the situation specially about the importance of practicing social distancing as warned by public Health agencies from the federal, provincial and municipal levels. We support the notion of working together to slow down the spread of the virus, for everyone’s sake.
Rest assured that while we are postponing the timing of the AGM and dinner, and also refrain from publicising news of any other social events including Joint U activities most of those are cancelled anyway due to the pandemic, we are making sure that we have your best interest at heart.
If the situation improves, we will also consider a spring hike around May/June
Kindly be patient and await our announcement of the AGM dinner and update on social activities when the situation becomes more favourable. The Board begs your indulgence in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
Lilian Ma, President of HKUAAO
Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario