The 35th HKUAAO AGM was held via Zoom due to COVID 19 ban on in person indoor meeting. It was attended by 17 Alumni members and Board Directors pursuant to e-notices sent out by our Secretary, Communication and Membership Directors.
The Board had delayed the holding of the AGM in April 2020, under normal circumstances according to our by-law. However, delay for the AGM for 6 months was allowed due to the Pandemic under the Ontario Corporations Act through the Ontario Emergency Orders which were effective since March 17, 2020. Also, a virtual AGM meeting format was allowed. Unfortunately, as a result, we could not hold the usual Dinner event which normally follows the AGM as in the past.
Nevertheless, under these difficult circumstances, we did the usual formalities required such as quorum confirmation, chair and secretary for the meeting designation, as well as appointment of Scrutineers and Sargeant- at-arms for the meeting.
Business dealt with included the receipt and adoption of the 2019 AGM minutes, President’s Report for 2019-20 and Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement for 2019-20.
Election was held resulted in the following slate being elected: as the new Board of Directors:
Lilian Ma
Augustine Chan
Romeo Au
Tim Cheng
Verdi Yau
Maggie Poon
Franki Cheng
Raymond Leung
Dennis Au Yeung
Margaret Law
Wilson Chan
Glendy Sze
Evelyn Man ( overseas)
The AGM took one hour to complete.
On behalf of the Association, we would like to thank all the members who took time to attend the AGM. We also thank the Board of Directors for 2019 -20 and our Honorary Advisors Irene Chu and Peggy Sum, Bassanio So, as well as our Hon. Chair Professor Tsui Lap Chi for their support. We also thank the leaders of the various interest groups for their contributions to keep our alumni and family members together in their various interests such as birding, table tennis, hiking activities etc. throughout the year. We hope to see each other again soon when the pandemic is over.
Reported by Lilian Ma
2019 -2020 President of the HKUAAO