March 2, 2025 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner
Date: March 2, 2025 (Sunday)
Time: 5:30pm AGM; 6:00pm Reception; 6:30pm Dinner
Venue: Orient Bistro Fine Chinese Dining & Bar
10 Vogell Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K4, Tel: 905-237-1188
Map & Direction
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ted Lo (Founding President, Hong Fook Mental Health Association / Director, Asian Clinic)
Cost: HKUAAO member and spouse $75
Non-member $85, Child (age 6-12) $45
Registration: Please fill in the online registration form
Payment: Email transfer the total amount to, please type the security answer in the online registration form.
Registration Deadline: February 16, 2025
For additional information, please contact:
Margaret Law 416-576-6683;
Tim Cheng 416-270-9830;
Raymond Leung 416-816-3682;
We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for the new term starting March 2, 2025 to the next A.G.M.
This is an opportunity to network with old and new friends, HKU exchange students, and to have a fun evening.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Sunday, the 2nd day of March, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the Orient Bistro Fine Chinese Dining & Bar, 10 Vogell Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K4, with the following business to be transacted:-
To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2023 -2025;
To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the new term starting March 2, 2025 to the next A.G.M;
To transact any other business.
By the order of the Board of Directors
Agnes Man, Secretary, January 3, 2025
Further Notice of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is further given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Sunday, the 2nd day of March, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the Orient Bistro Fine Chinese Dining & Bar, 10 Vogell Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K4, with the following business to be transacted:-
To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2023 -2025;
To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the new term starting March 2, 2025 to the next A.G.M;
To transact any other business.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any regular member in good standing shall be entitled to nominate, or second a nomination of, another regular member in good standing to Nominating Committee and to be elected to the Board of Directors ( a.k.a. Executive Committee), and to cast vote at the election, all in accordance with the Nomination Guidelines and Election Procedures. Any such nomination should be emailed to the Nominating Committee of the Association at: no later than February 24, 2025. The Nomination Form and Nomination Guidelines and Election Procedures are posted on below.
By the order of the Board of Directors
Agnes Man, Secretary, January 28, 2025
For nominations please follow the attached guideline.
DOWNLOAD HKUAAO Nomination Guidelines and Election Procedures
DOWNLOAD Nomination Form for HKUAAO Executive Committee Election
November 6, 2024 HKUAAO Introduction to Snowsports in Canada Webinar

Date: November 6, 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm
Format: Zoom
Online Registration:
Deadline: November 5, 2024 (Tuesday)
Language: English
Cost: Free
Presenters: Lilian Ma and Mark Spraggett
The fall is upon us and pretty soon old man winter will be returning to Ontario. With that predictable seasonal change, beautiful snowfalls will be here to cover the land all around us. To make use of this gift of nature, we can turn such pristine terrain into a winter playground. What about getting to know about some snow sports?
HKUAAO will be hosting a zoom seminar on “Introduction to Snowsports in Ontario” to be presented by the long time skier and instructor/coach Lilian Ma and Snowboard instructor/examiner Mark Spraggett on November 6, 2024 at 8 p.m.
This seminar is tailored for never/ever(s), beginners and all those who would like to learn something about snow sports in Ontario but never dare to ask. The seminar is about 1 hour long. There will be time for answering questions also. If you want to post some questions in advance, you are welcome to do so in the registration form.
Speakers’ Notes: Lilian is an avid ski instructor and coach with over 55 years of experience in skiing and snowboarding and Mark is an experienced snowboard instructor and examiner. They are both still actively teaching skiing and snowboarding with the High Park Ski Club in Toronto. During the presentation they will go through the basics of the ski/snowboard equipment and clothing necessary for an enjoyable experience for the downhill snow sports. They will also emphasize safety precautions, etiquettes and code of conduct on the hill, as well as the skills required to enjoy snow sport in Canada. They will note the importance of taking proper ski lessons right from the beginning from CSIA (Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance) and CASI (Canadian Alliance of Snowboard Instructors) certified instructors who can be found in all Ontario Ski Resorts. Downhill snow sports, being fast moving sports, have some inherent risk for potential injuries, but taking lessons right off the bat will greatly minimize the risk. The participants can enjoy the thrill of skiing right from the start if taught the proper skills needed to deal with the physics of this fast moving sport. They will also briefly mention the various resorts that are close by.
Enjoy the upcoming Winter in Canada!
There will be a Q & A session after the presentation. Please post your questions during your registration.
September 29, 2024 HKUAAO Fall Hike at Sunnybrook Park Loop
Our autumn hike took place on Sunday September 29 in Sunnybrook Park, which is more accessible for those commuting with public transport. It was a sunny day perfect for outings. We gathered at 2 pm at carpark #3. There were 66 alumni joining the hike.
We started from the parking lot, taking the River’s Edge Trail, Secret Hidden Trail and Glendon Forest Trail which led us to the Glendon Campus of York University. From there we walked up Lawrence Ave going east to reach Edwards Gardens. Edwards Gardens is linked with Sunnybrook Park forming a long stretch of forest and grassland in the middle of urban residence. It is a very popular park for hikers and cyclists. From Edwards Gardens we followed the Wilket Creek Trail and returned to the parking lot as we finished the loop. The hike took two hours to complete. We then proceeded to Sam Woo Restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner. We have 66 participants for the meal, sharing eight tables in the restaurant along with the Tai Chi group friends. It was a perfect completion for the day and we look forward to the next hiking gathering in the spring of 2025.
Reported by Hannah Cheung

October 12, 2024 Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario) – HKJU Activity Day and Annual Dinner 2024
由浸會、中大、珠海、理工、嶺南、樹仁、港大、城大及科大9間院校校友會組成的安省香港專上校友會聯會,主辦2024 HKJU Activity Day and Annual Dinner。項目包括:乒乓球、羽毛球、籃球、匹克球、橋牌遊戲等。
日期: 10月12日 (星期六)
比賽: 9am – 5pm 於 Markham Wesley Centre (22 Esna Park Dr, Markham, ON L3R 1E1)
晚宴: 6pm – 10pm 於紫爵金宴 (8601 Warden Ave unit 4-6, Unionville, ON L3R 0B5)
截止報名日期: 9月15日
** 2024 HKJU Activity Day 報名表格 **

** 2024 HKJU Annual Dinner 報名表格 **

May 19, 2024 HKUAAO Spring Hike At Orchard and Vista Trails in Rouge Valley, Scarborough
It was a nice warm sunny day, perfect for outdoor activities. We met at 2 pm at the main parking lot. Despite the long lineup to get into the parking lot, most of us manage to be on time. HLUAAO had a large turn out, almost 70 strong, with many younger, energetic alumni. Including the Tai Chi group under Mr. Tom Wong, we had close to 100 people ready to get started.
After waiting for the remaining few who were delayed by the traffic, we took a group picture with our HKUAAO banner and started the hiking on the Orchard trail at around 2:20 pm. The trail was relatively easy, according to the expert hikers. However the initial uphill and downhill did post some challenges to a few senior alumni. After the first part of the trail, the rest was mostly flat and easy. We went by the Rouge River, and the scene was very nice along the way. It took us about 1 ½ hours to complete the hike. Although a bit tired, we all enjoyed it and for those who had registered, we were looking forward to the dinner at Sam Woo Restaurant later on that day.
Dinner reception was at 5:30 pm. We had a total of eight tables, including over 50 alumni and about 30 from the Tai Chi group. At around 6 pm, dinner was served. We had a total of 10 dishes including soup, BBQ duck, and a variety including chicken, beef, fish and vegetable. Of course, the delicious meal would not be complete without dessert, fruit and wine! We all went home full stomach and well contented.
Thanks to Mr. Tom Wong for taking the lead and to the Tai Chi group, to our alumni for organizing and helping with the logistics of the hiking and dinner.
Reported by: Tim Cheng

16 March, 2024 HKU Alumni Day

Season’s greetings! Hey, we are organizing a big homecoming on campus “HKU Alumni Day” March 16th, 2024! Hope you and our alum in Toronto can join in person!! For those who won’t be able to fly back, we will do things online. All 10 faculties are also working with us to make this a memorable day!
Message from Monica Wong (HKUDAAO)
Recap of HKUAAO AGM and Dinner on Saturday December 9, 2023
Annual General Meeting
On Saturday December 9, 2023, HKUAAO held the AGM at 5pm with Margaret Law as the Chair and Agnes Man as the Secretary of the meeting. The meeting went smoothly and swiftly, approved the annual report and the financial report.
The new Board of Directors and advisors were elected with Margaret Law re-elected as the President. The other executive positions will be elected in the first board meeting following the AGM. The new Board is as follows:
Honorary Chairman – Professor Lap-Chee Tsui
Advisors – Ms. Irene Chu
Mrs. Peggy Sum
Mr. Bassanio So
President – Ms. Margaret Law
Directors – Mr. Dennis Au-Yeung
Ms. Agnes Man
Mr. Raymond Leung
Mr. Verdi Yau
Ms. Maggie Poon
Mr. Franki Cheng
Mrs. Winnie Fung
Mr. Danny Leung
Ms. Lilian Ma
Mr. Tim Cheng
We accepted the resignation of Mr. Hilton Lok from the Board and thanked them for his services to the Association.
AGM Dinner
HKUAAO hosted our 2023 AGM and Dinner on December 9th Saturday at Lobster Port Seafood Cuisine. The 2024 Board of Directors was successfully elected before dinner commenced. The dinner was well attended by over 120 Alumni and friends.
From the 120+ guests , about 50 were newcomers of HKU , who just arrived at Toronto within the past 2 years. We have engaged them in helping as MCs, singing performers, stage assistants, photographer and receptionists . The dinner reception was enjoyed by all at a warm, friendly and relaxed ambience. All our directors have donated gifts for lucky draw, wine and cash money for expenses, and above all, we had very good audio and sound support from a professional production company. There were 5 singers , all HKU alumni members, who have generously shared with us their stage talents. Our directors in charge of New Comer Program and Mentors Support Program gave their reports. We recruited more than 10 new members on the dinner night.
Also attended were JU representatives from the other universities from Hong Kong, namely: Chinese University, Baptist University, Polytechnic University, City University, Science and Technology University, Chu Hoi University, Shu Yan University and Ling Nan University ( in no particular Order ) We thank them in their support.
The President presented her report pledging all our alumni to support our 2024 activities and particularly pledging for support from our JU alumni associations in HKUAAO’s lead in JU activities in 2024.
The AGM dinner ended with a cordial note : group singing and group photo.and we must thank all those who offered carpooling for newcomers who have yet to find their way around Greater Toronto Area.
Last but not least, we thank the Organizing Committee and Work Group for putting together such a memorable event.
Respectfully Reported by
Margaret Law, President of HKUAAO 2024
Click here to view photo album (Photos taken by Beaker Fung) Click here to view photo album (Photos taken by Samson Lam)
December 9, 2023 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner
HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner 2023
Date: December 9, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 5:30pm AGM; 6:00pm Reception; 6:30pm Dinner
Venue: Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant
8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, Tel: 905-597-8508
Map & Direction
Cost: HKUAAO member and immediate family members $75, Non-member $80, Child (age 2-12) $40
**Please note that if you have registered but are unable to attend, the full cost will still be applicable.
Please register using the online form below :
Registration Deadline: December 3, 2023
For additional information, please contact:
Margaret Law 416-576-6683;
Tim Cheng 416-270-9830;
Hilton Lok 647-627-3638;
Raymond Leung 416-816-3682;
We will elect the new board of directors and executive committee members for 2023 – 2024 at the A.G.M.
This is an opportunity to network with old and new friends, HKU exchange students, and to have a fun evening.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario will be held on Saturday, the 9th day of December, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lobster Port Chinese Restaurant, 8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 7M6, with the following business to be transacted:-
To receive and consider the Annual Report for 2022 -2023.
To receive and consider the Treasurer’s Report;
To elect directors and members of the Executive Committee of the Association for the year 2023/2024;
To transact any other business.
By the order of the Board of Directors
Agnes Man, Secretary, October 20, 2023
For nominations please follow the attached guideline.
E- Notice regarding to Annual General Meeting 2023 (Updated on December 5, 2023)