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October 15, 2017 Guinness World Records Attempt – Pan Am Centre, Ontario, Canada
After almost a year. GWR has finally rectified HKJU attempt in ‘The Most People Bouncing Table Tennis Balls on Table Tennis Rackets (Single Venue)’ with 343 participants. HKJU is now a record holder in this event and HKUAAO has 70 representation. We should all be proud of ourselves.
2017 Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni Ontario Activities
HKJU is an informal organization established in 2000 and is growing steadily. Now we have 9 alumni members including Hong Kong Baptist University (BU), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU), Chu Hai University (CHU), Lingnan University (LNU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PU), Hong Kong Shue Yan University (SYU), University of Hong Kong (HKU) and newly joined in 2017, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (UST).
The main purpose is to promote friendship, fraternity and communication among alumni in Ontario. This is the biggest post-secondary alumni organization outside Hong Kong. Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) Canada is a substantial patron and we really thank for their continuous support in the past years.
BU is the host University in 2017. To commemorate Canada’s 150th Anniversary and the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKJU had organized a series of activities throughout the year. Among those, a tree planting day in June and the attempt to break the Guinness World Record in October were the highlight of all.
Tree Planting Day, Henry White Park, Markham June 24
This was held on a lovely sunny Saturday day in Henry White Park, Markham. Close to 100 people from all universities alumni came to enjoy this outing with their friends and relatives.
HKUAAO is represented by our president, Wilson Chan, past president, Dennis Au-Yeung, Romeo Au, Verdi Yau and Maggie Poon together with their new born.
There were a total of 10 trees planted in this occasion, 9 smaller trees (Aspen, Bur Oak, Dogwood and Sycamore) for each university alumni and a 10 feet Silver Maple for HKJU. Everyone onsite were eager to roll up their sleeves to do the hard and actually enjoying the process. May be one day when you stroll along Henry White Park, please take the effort to find all these trees (there is a plaque for easy identification).
Kudos to Verdi and Maggie to make such an effort to show up with the new born (less than a week).
Attempt to Break Guinness World Record (GWR) in Pan Am Centre, Markham, Oct 15
Sunday, Oct 15, 2017 was a big day as HKJU alumni attempted to break the “Most participants bouncing table tennis balls using table tennis rackets in a single venue”.
The record is 250 people to bounce the table tennis ball continuously for 10 seconds. To many people, it seems easy to bounce the ball for 10 seconds on your own. However, it looks easier than done. With people all around you doing the same action and a record is on the line, we all know the pressure is on. In view of this, HKJU had organized two practice sessions in late September and each had about 200 people attended. This laid the foundation of the success on the ‘Big Day’.
Over 350 HKJU alumni, friends and relatives came to face the challenge. HKUAAO has the biggest contingent among all with 70 people led by our president Wilson Chan, vice presidents Augustine Chan, past president Dennis Au-Yeung’s blessing from Hong Kong. We all had high spirits and well prepared.
Under the 3 witnesses, MPP Michael Chan, Kathy Chan of HKETO and Herbert Moon, Publisher – Today Commercial News observation, HKJU succeeded to break the Guinness World Record with 343 people. The record has yet to be rectify by the GWR but all of us are proud of the performance.
After the GWR breaking effort, HKJU organized fun games like basketball shooting, QQ-ball relay, multi-format relay and ping pong marathon for all of us to relax and enjoy. Everyone involved had a lot of fun, laugh and tears all through the games. To conclude the day, there was a gala-dinner and filled with good food, drinks, excellent performance by alumni. We all left with a high note and anxiously looking forward to 2018 HKJU events.
On behalf of HKUAAO, I would like to thank all those who showed strong support to the events. Without you folks, I don’t think we can go this far to become a Guinness World Record holder. Hope to see you all soon.

HKUAAO hikes in 2017
We have held two hikes during the year, one in spring around Victoria Day, the other during the autumn season when we are so privileged to experience the gorgeous beauty of nature with the crimson and golden foliage in our mountains and valleys.
On May 22, 2017, twenty-five HKU alumni and friends met together at eastern part of Aurora. We hiked along the Eldred King Woodlands which is part of the famous Oak Ridge Trail. The hike was about 10 Km. We had a lot of fun during the 3 hour journey, roaming in and out of the woods and appreciated various kinds of wild plants. It was especially amazing to find some morel mushrooms along the trails. After the hike, the majority of the group continued with dinner and as usual it was a wonderful gathering for the evening.
The autumn hike took place on October 1, 2017. We chose a trail in Bolton for our trip. It rained in the morning but dried up around noon time to make our hike a pleasant journey. Thirty seven people showed up, including ten exchange students/ mentees from HKU. The hike was about 10 Km long going from paved walks to uphill slopes and grassland. We saw a few trees with the autumn red/ orange leaves and our visitors from Hong Kong were excited to take photos. The hike was completed in about three hours. As usual, part of the group went on to join the dinner afterwards and had a good time before the day finished.
Reported by Hannah Cheung
Autumn Hike in Bolton area
We are blessed to be in Canada where the autumn colours are just awesome. It is the time to go out for some fresh air and exercise, and appreciate what Mother Nature has provided us. You and your friends are invited to our Autumn Hike. Details as follows:
Date and time: October 1, 2017 (Sunday) at 1.30 pm
Location: Bolton Loop , taking mid-point break at Caledon Community Centre
Length and duration of hike: About 12 km, 3 hours
Meeting place and direction: (driving from the east) Take Hwy 401 towards west, exit to take Hwy 409, turn to Hwy 427 north, turn left at Hwy 7, turn right at Hwy 50, stay on Hwy 50 for 13 Km, pass the junction of King Street and Hwy 50 and turn left to Tim Hortons parking lot. Meet at the FREE parking area to the north of the lot.
Cost: Nil for hiking
Registration: Please register before Sept 26, 2017. Forward your name, cell phone number, an emergency contact name and phone number to Hannah Cheung at emailhcathonta@gmail.com (register for hike only)
Dinner: 6 pm at Grand Lake Banquet Restaurant (at Hwy 7 & Kennedy), about $30 to $35 per person. Please contact Augustine Chan at augustinetoronto@hotmail.com (register for dinner)
Reminder: The trail is not considered difficult. Nevertheless, you are advised to wear either hiking boots or sturdy shoes with good traction. A hiking stick is also recommended. You should assess whether you yourself are suitable for such activity. HKUAAO is not liable for personal injuries. You must inform the hike leaders/coordinators before the start of the hike about any health problems and allergies and the location of special medications. They must follow the leaders’ directions. Parents and guardians must supervise children in their care.
All registrants and their guests are asked to read the waiver attached.*
By registering, you are acknowledging that you and your guests have read, understood, accepted and will abide the terms and conditions of the said waiver.
Break the Guinness World Record
Dear Alumni,
Perhaps you may aware the Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario),安省香港專上校友會聯會 and had participated various activities in the past.
For those who may be new to HKJU, the alumni consists of:-
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chu Hai University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lingnan University
Shue Yan University
University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Joined 2017)
City University of Hong Kong (Joined 2017)
Each year, HKJU will organize activities for the alumni to participate and promote friendship among us. Activities such as table-tennis, badminton, bowling, basketball, volleyball, fun games, talent show, gala dinner etc. were held in the past.
This year, to celebrate Canada 150th birthday and 20th Anniversary of return of Hong Kong to China for 20 years, the HKJU committee (headed by Baptist University) has decided to organize an event to break the Guinness World Record of ‘Most People Bouncing Table Tennis Ball With Table Tennis Racket Continuously For At Least 10 Seconds’.
We need your participation and with all our efforts, we will have a better chance to set a new Guinness World Record. The current record is 250 people from Japan.
Event details:
Dates : Sunday, October 15, 2017
Venue: Pan Am Centre, Markham
Time : 12:00 – 17:00 (12:00 – 14:30 – breaking record, 15:00 – 17:00 – Fun Game)
All family member with at least 13 years of age are welcome.
If you are interested, please complete the attached registration form and email to Romeo Au, romeoyhau@hotmail.com, our representative in HKJU on or before Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Please don’t think you are not sporty enough to participate. We will arrange practices so everyone will be confident before the event. More details will be forwarded once we have all our registration completed.
Attached files:
1) Rules of the Event GWR_rules
2) Registration Form HKUAAO_registration_form
3) Demo Video (we only need to bounce for 10 seconds)
Let’s work together and make this a reality.
Victoria Day Hike in Eldred King Woodlands, Aurora
Spring is finally here. It is the time to go out for some fresh air and exercise, and appreciate what Mother Nature has provided us. Alumni, family and friends are welcome to join us on this Spring Hike. Details as follows:
Date and time: Victoria Day – Monday May 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm
Location: Eldred King Woodlands/Oak Ridge Trail (north of Aurora Road, west of Markham Road)
Length and duration of hike: About 10 km, 3 hours
Meeting place and direction: Take 404 north, exit at Aurora Road, go east on Aurora Road passing McCowan Road, turn left on Markham Road (going north), pass St Johns Sideroad, go on for about 1 Km and turn left for Eldred King Woodlands Parking lot.
Cost: Nil for hiking
Registration: Please register before May 20, 2017. Forward your name, cell phone number, an emergency contact name and phone number to Hannah Cheung at emailhcathonta@gmail.com.
Dinner (Optional): 6 pm at Grand Lake Banquet Restaurant (at Hwy 7 & Kennedy), about $30 to $35 per person. Those who are unable to come to the hike but want to join for dinner, please contact Augustine Chan direct at augustinetoronto@hotmail.com.
Reminder: The trail is not considered difficult. Nevertheless, you are advised to wear either hiking boots or sturdy shoes with good traction. A hiking stick is also recommended. You should assess whether you yourself are suitable for such activity. HKUAAO is not liable for personal injuries. You must inform the hike leaders/coordinators before the start of the hike about any health problems and allergies and the location of special medications. They must follow the leaders’ directions. Parents and guardians must supervise children in their care.
All registrants and their guests are asked to read the waiver attached.*
By registering, you are acknowledging that you and your guests have read, understood, accepted and will abide the terms and conditions of the said waiver.
April 9, 2017 Annual intra-squad tournament
The HKUAAO table tennis group has been growing organically in the past few years. We are glad to see a few new faces participating in our annual intra-squad tournament held at CCTTA on April 9, 2017. Twenty participants were divided into 5 teams through random draw to play for the team championship. Of which, winning teams were determined by the aggregate result of the singles and doubles competition. Individual awards were also presented to the singles winners and the most improved players. Players ranking were re-shuffled to reflect their results in singles.
Congratulations to Danny Leung, Aries Cheng, Hector Chan and Dan Lam for winning the team championship; TY Kwan, Aries Cheng, Steve Fung and Dan Lam for winning the singles award.
Reported by Hector Chan
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April 2, 2017 HKUAAO Annual General Meeting & Dinner
With the keen support of HKU alumni, mentees, families and friends, as well as guests from other university alumni associations, we had 153 attendees at the HKUAAO annual dinner held at Premier Ballroom & Convention Centre on April 2, 2017. The outgoing president (2016/2017), Dennis Au-Yeung, reported on the highlights of events of last year, and thanked all alumni, founding and current board members, supporters and volunteers for their invaluable support. He further passed the Brick to the new president (2017/2018), Wilson Chan. We sincerely thank Dennis for his diligent service to HKUAAO. Wilson Chan shared his vision as the new president of HKUAAO. He vowed to upkeep the excellent quality of alumni services offered by HKUAAO in the past years. Congratulations, Wilson! We had the honor of having Ms. Kathy Chan, Director of The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, to be our keynote speaker. Ms. Chan pen-pictured the present-day Hong Kong environment in terms of economy, trade, living, culture, etc., and presented the HK Government’s initiative of attracting the second generation of HK overseas immigrants to reside and pursue their career in Hong Kong. The coordinators of various individual interest groups reported on the past activities, which provide excellent opportunities for Alumni to promote their interests as well as to bond with one another. It was impressive for us to see 7 out of our total 9 mentees were able to join the dinner, with the courtesy of vehicle rides by Romeo Au, Dr. K.F. Siu and Lilian Ma. The dinner was also honoured by the presence of guests from different Alumni Associations of Universities in Hong Kong. Sophia Chan, Chairperson of the Joint-University (HK) alumni group, announced the upcoming joint-university alumni initiative and challenge to set a Guinness record. One of the highlights of the dinner was a much praised and entertaining singing performance led by our talented alumni, Eddie Ho in conjunction with Margaret Lau and John Sin. We thank Margaret Law for an excellent job as MC, as well as many alumni/volunteers who together delivered a HKUAAO annual dinner of great success.
Reported by Lilian Sin
All HKUAAO directors (2017/2018) make a toast to the guests.
Ms. Kathy Chan, Director of The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
Dennis Au-Yeung, President of HKUAAO (2016/2017) passed the Brick to Wilson Chan, President of HKUAAO (2017/2018)
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