Home » Past Events 2024 » September 29, 2024 HKUAAO Fall Hike at Sunnybrook Park Loop

September 29, 2024 HKUAAO Fall Hike at Sunnybrook Park Loop

Our autumn hike took place on Sunday September 29 in Sunnybrook Park, which is more accessible for those commuting with public transport.  It was a sunny day perfect for outings.  We gathered at 2 pm at carpark #3.  There were 66 alumni joining the hike.  

We started from the parking lot, taking the River’s Edge Trail, Secret Hidden Trail and Glendon Forest Trail which led us to the Glendon Campus of York University.  From there we walked up Lawrence Ave going east to reach Edwards Gardens.  Edwards Gardens is linked with Sunnybrook Park forming a long stretch of forest and grassland in the middle of urban residence.  It is a very popular park for hikers and cyclists.  From Edwards Gardens we followed the Wilket Creek Trail and returned to the parking lot as we finished the loop. The hike took two hours to complete.  We then proceeded to Sam Woo Restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner.  We have 66 participants for the meal, sharing eight tables in the restaurant along with the Tai Chi group friends.  It was a perfect completion for the day and we look forward to the next hiking gathering in the spring of 2025.

Reported by Hannah Cheung