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The HKUAA (Ontario) Chinese Cultural Heritage Award Fund

Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario hereby acknowledges receipt of Dollar Twenty Thousand only ($20,000) in Canadian Fund, from Dr. Dexter Hung-Cho MAN being donation to our Chinese Cultural Heritage Award Fund. Thank you Dr. Man for your generosity!

In following its alma mater’s example and tradition as a great learning institution, our Association aims to promote better understanding and closer ties among people, nations and cultures through learning about each other. Ontario is an increasingly diverse community. The Chinese-Canadian population is growing fast. It is important therefore to create a good understanding of the Chinese culture among citizens, not only to recognize heritage and build racial harmony, but also to develop a vision and capacity to effectively respond to the challenges of a multi-cultural society.

The Award Fund is committed to sponsoring post-secondary students and graduates in the promotion or pursuit of Chinese culture and heritage. The awards are given in the form of financial assistance to individuals and groups, irrespective of age, race and nationality, whose activities, studies or work (locally or overseas) identify and support the goals of the Award Fund.

The Award Fund has also established annual and perpetual scholarships with the International Student Exchange Office of the University of Toronto and York University. Each year and forever thereafter, a total sum of $3,000.00 is awarded to exchange students from University of Toronto and York University to study at the universities in Hong Kong including Hong Kong University. The recipient may be of any race, age or nationality.

Any individual or organization or program interested may make an application by sending the application form to our Association by mail or email.

HKUAA Ontario Student Exchange Scholarship

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of our Alma Mater, Hong Kong University Alumni Association of Ontario (HKUAAO) has established a scholarship to encourage HKU students to join the student exchange program to come to Ontario Universities to broaden their learning experience. With the enthusiastic and generous support of many alumni and friends, we have successfully raised over $16,000 in total and the Association has contributed $10,000 for a combined total of $26,000 (equivalent to HK$200,000). Adding the matching grant from the HKSAR Government, the scholarship, “HKUAA Ontario Student Exchange Scholarship”, has a pool of HK$400,000 sufficient for a period of 15 years or more.

Each year, the scholarship will be awarded to two undergraduate students on the basis of academic merits and financial needs.

HKU Mentorship Program

The HKU Mentorship Programme was established in 1997. Not only was it the first such program in Hong Kong’s institutions of higher education, it was so successful that it had also become an exemplar of similar programs.
HKUAAO is a strong supporter of the HKU’s Mentorship Programme. For over 10 years, many of our alumni have volunteered to act as mentors to HKU exchange students (mentees) who came to Canadian universities in Ontario and Quebec for one or two semesters under the HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme.
Often this may be the first time that the students are far away from home. Mentors can provide invaluable assistance to the mentees in helping them quickly settle down and adapt to their new environment. Over time, mentors and their mentees establish a unique relationship through which mentors will help provide guidance to enhance their mentee’s development and at the same time gain insights into the younger generations’ points of view. Through participation in the Mentorship Programme, mentors can maintain contact with academia and have the satisfaction of knowing that they are playing a role in the development of young inquisitive minds.
Anyone who is interested in becoming a mentor please email Raymond Leung (BSc[Eng] 1983) at hkuaaont@hku.hk.

For more information: https://www.mentorship.hku.hk


While you are planning your charitable donations toward the end of this year or budgeting your donations for next year, have you thought about donating to our alma mater?

The University of Hong Kong is a qualified overseas donee prescribed by Canada Revenue Agency. You will receive charitable donation receipt for Canadian income tax purpose should you wish to make financial contributions to the alma mater. Those who are interested may contact Kitty Wong, Director (Development) of HKU Development and Alumni Affairs Office at kittyw@hku.hk

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