HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Shanghai 2023-24


Since its establishment in 2022, the HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Shanghai program has fostered genuine friendships and supportive relationships between mentors and mentees who are recent HKU graduates. Mentees have not only received valuable career advice from their mentors but the mentor-mentee community and events organized together have also enriched the social lives of new graduates who recently landed in the city or entered the workplace.


Mentor: Dr Nicholas Wong 黃仲廉 (right)
Mentees: Ke Qian Chloe 柯茜 (MGM 2022, center) and Qian Yizhen 錢翊臻 (BBA(IBGM) 2021)

Chloe : “Nicholas himself is very knowledgeable and he gave me lots of insights about other industry. He is very inspiring and he is very willing to help us with our career choices.”

Yizhen : “Nick is AWESOME!! He has a great personality, sense of humor, ability to listen and understand, caring and is highly relatable. He is more like an old friend rather than just a mentor. I learnt from him about work-life balance, and we discussed on anything and everything.”

Mentor: Beatrice Chan 陳寶金 (中)
Mentees: Wang Pinhui 王品卉 (MA 2022, 左) and Shirley Ling 淩慧清 (MSc(Mktg) 2023)

王品卉 :「 B姐是個非常有能量的人,所以無論見面與否,這一點都非常感染我!和B姐上一屆的mentee也見面好幾次,希望在上海以後也能常常和B姐、Shirley、別的夥伴交流近況!B姐啟發我思考目前的工作以及未來的規劃,每次會面後我都有新的想法和動力, 也學到如何更好地管理自己的生活,毫不疲倦地把每一天過好。」

Shirley :「Mentor有很大的交際圈,讓我見識到不同的人和事。」

Mentor: Dr Shi Dongsheng 施東升(中)
Mentees: Huang Haitong 黃海童 (MFin 2022,右) and Peng Yican 彭毅燦 (MSc(BA) 2022)


彭毅燦 :「跟mentor 學到職業發展、人生規劃、人際交流、視野格局以及思維眼光。他能毫不避諱直言給很多非常寶貴的人生經驗,特別是人際交往方面;大家關係不錯,希望能更頻繁熟絡!」

Mentor: Billy Ko 高子介(中)
Mentees: Zhou Jiening 周婕凝 (BSc(ActuarSc) 2021, 右) and Lin Jingwen 林靜雯 (MA (Creative Communications) 2023)

周婕凝 :「我們的關係亦師亦友。Billy讓我見到了生活的另一種可能性—一直以積極、不設限、擁抱每一種可能性的狀態去生活。她不會覺得什麼事情做不了,只要想做什麼,就想辦法去做。行動力超強、敢想敢幹的人,她的生活其實是我之前未曾想過的,有給我帶來很多啟發。」

Mentor: Rebecca Ho 何佩珊 (左一)
Mentee: Luo Qianwen 羅茜雯 (MGM 2022,左三)

Mentor何佩珊不止為自己mentee 組織活動, 也歡迎其他mentees參與, 擴大彼此的生活圈及朋輩支援。

Luo Qianwen : “My mentor has an outgoing and fun personality and is very charming! I have learned a lot about other industries and made more friends.”

Mentor: Kammy Cheung 張錦欣(左)
Mentee: Zhang Wenjing 張雯菁 (BSocSc 2021)

張雯菁  :「Kammy 是一個很有活力的人,跟她交流了工作上的經驗和想法。我們關係很好,期待與她更多交流。」

Mentor: Li Benjie 李本傑 (左二)
Mentees: Zhang Yang 張揚 (BSc(BA) 2023,右一) and Li Ricky 李永琪 (MFin 2023) 

Zhang Yang : “Benjie thoroughly understands each mentee’s career and personal situation, providing tailored advice to address our concerns. He is not only our career mentor but also our life mentor.”

Mentor: George Huang 黃浩
Mentees: Ma Zijian 馬子鑒 (MSc(BA) 2022, 上左) and Wen Xin 溫馨 (MEcon 2022,下右)

Ma Zijian: “Our mentor took me to various social events and introduced me to alumni, which was extremely helpful for gaining connections and learning from others.”

溫馨: 「Mentor 開放包容的思路, 給我很多機會。他亦和邀請我參加了很多校友活動,見識到其他行業。」

Mentor: Cai Lei 蔡蕾 (右)
Mentee: Liu Shuhan 劉姝含 (MSc(BA) 2023)

劉姝含 :「Mentor 的知識面豐富,不會把話柄落地上,相處起來很舒服。認識了新的朋友,豐富了週末的生活。」

Mentor: Emma Huang Yun Zhi 黃韻芝 (右)
Mentee: Fan Yiqi Frannie 范伊淇 (MPH 2022) 

范伊淇 :「Mentor的行動力很足,並且有清晰的規劃 。通過瞭解mentor經歷,為自己的職業發展尋找方向。」

Mentor: Wesley Chiu 趙賓 (右)
Mentees: Zhang Jiahan 張佳晗 (LLM(CFL) 2023,左) and Yang Yi 楊益 (MSc(CompSc) 2021)

張佳晗:「mentor 能夠從自身經歷出發,分享經驗,幫助我對於不同的職業選擇有更深入的瞭解,更加便於我做出職業規劃與選擇。我們關係很好。」


Mentor: Francois Lee 李振業 (中) 
Mentees: Li Ping 李萍 (MAcct 2022,左) and Guo Yuxuan 郭宇軒 (MGM 2023)

郭宇軒: 「Francois helps me understand more about the career path」

Mentor: Marina Xin Min Jie 忻敏潔(左)
Mentee: Lu Yixuan 陸怡萱 (MSc(MKTG) 2021) 

Lu Yixuan :「Mentor表達能力強,對女性事業有很大的熱情 ,我們關係不錯。」

Mentor: Zhang Jiawen Vivian 張佳
Mentees: Wang Xinran Iris 汪欣然 (BSc 2023) and Cheng Junrui Brett 程俊睿(MSc(BA) 2023)

Brett: “Vivian is pretty chill in life. As a junior, I always have a lot of pressure at work. Observing the way she communicates and considering her views on the market really alleviates my pressure and takes the chip off my shoulder. She is highly experienced and has a clear vision of the finance job market. Her advice is invaluable, and I benefit greatly from it.”

Mentor: Mr Eddie Ng 吳允燊
Mentee: Yao Dongni Jean 姚東妮 (BA(AechStud) 2021, MGM 2023)

Jean: “My mentor Eddie is a wealth of experience and passion in the industry. We have maintained a great relationship, and he is always willing to share his knowledge with me. He has provided me with useful suggestions for both my career and personal life. Eddie has shared his insights on the industry, giving me invaluable suggestions. Furthermore, he also cares about my life in Shanghai, which is a new place for me.”

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