2024年7月27日,以“青年智造 產業變革”為主題的2024年京港青年創新發展交流會在北京舉行。交流會是香港大學北京校友會發起的京港青年創新發展系列品牌活動之一,吸引了來自香港大學、香港科技大學、清華大學等20余所知名高校校友、京港兩地各界青年代表150余人參加。中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室北京聯絡部主任蘇玉軍等領導出席並致辭、香港大學北京校友會會長施能自博士發表主題演講。
The Beijing-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Development Exchange Conference 2024 was held in Beijing as part of a series of brand activities for youth innovation and development initiated by the HKU Beijing Alumni Network. Over 150 participants, including alumni from more than 20 universities such as HKU, HKUST, and Tsinghua University, as well as youth representatives from various sectors in Beijing and Hong Kong, joined the event.