HKU eConnect

for alumni, staff, students and friends

17 August 2022

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HKU Notebook Ownership Programme 2022

HKU Notebook Ownership Programme 2022 

Roadshow and Pickup at Loke Yew Hall, HKU
Aug 18 to 23 and Sep 2 to 7 (except Sundays) | 11am - 6pm 

Apple products 

HP & Lenovo products

昨日的影 今日的光 — 粵語片劇照風華半世紀
《昨日的影 今日的光 — 粵語片劇照風華半世紀》分享會暨展覽

Aug 27 | 11am - 12:30pm | Ingenium@Main Library

阮兆輝先生 《我的童星生涯》

李焯桃先生 《電影的緣份》
影評人,M+ 香港電影及媒體策展人,香港電影評論學會會長

徐堂先生 《我在片場拍劇照的日子》


楊紫燁女士 《昨日的影 今日的光 — 粵語片劇照風華半世紀》主編

奧斯卡得獎導演,2011 年獲邀擔任奧斯卡金像獎評委

What's On

The Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2022

Journey of Space Astrometry – Mapping the Positions and Motions of Stars from Space

The Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2022

Sep 30 | 5:30pm | Details 

Eternal Transience, Enlightened Wisdom: Masterpieces of Buddhist Art

Eternal Transience, Enlightened Wisdom: Masterpieces of Buddhist Art

Now till Oct 16 | University Museum and Art Gallery

Acceptance of Social Robots among Elderly Singletons in Hong Kong and Singapore

Acceptance of Social Robots among Elderly Singletons in Hong Kong and Singapore

For elderly aged 60 to 75 
Development & Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO), HKU

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