29 October 2021 Open in web browser 勞雙恩 x 陳岡:人.情.味 - 非 Master Class
「大師班好得很,不過,它非必需品.」更何況這不是什麼 Master Class,這只是世界的廣告碰到你我的故事,一起去尋找生命中的 passion.任琴聲遇上案例,不要箍得這麼緊,做小鴨或當天鵝,「我目標,只想似我」.
Fireside Chat@HKU 現埸體驗
Nov 9 | 6:30pm | Live at HKU Jockey Club Student Village III What's On
Asia Forward: Leading the Way Towards a New Multilateralism
Join world thinkers and the AGI leadership including Nobel Laureate Michael Spence, Victor K Fung, Zhiwu Chen, Samuel Palmisano, Mari Pangestu, Andrew Sheng, Mark Tucker, George Yeo, and Xiang Zhang at Asia’s premier forum:
• Recovery and Renewal: Globalization After the Pandemic
• Asia and a New Multilateralism • Mapping Global Imbalances: A One-Earth Balance Sheet • Rethinking Growth and Sustainability: Can Asia Lead? • The Global Economy: New Drivers of Growth Nov 10 | 8:55am - 5pm | Details
HKU Virtual Info Day for Undergraduate Admissions
Over 70 webinars on requirements and tips, programme features and university life | Five big data-oriented programmes | New double degree Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
Oct 30 | Details | Registration
HKU FinTech Day 2021
Central Bank Digital Currency, RegTech, Tech for Inclusive Growth and more
Nov 1, 2 & 5 | In person & via zoom
The Translator as Traitor: Eileen Chang, Cheng Wai, and Splendor of Youth (1957)
Nov 4 | 5pm
Professor Alfonso Ngan elected International Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering
Professor Wing Suen elected Fellow of the Econometric Society 2021
iLab of the Faculty of Architecture wins in the buildingSMART International Awards 2021
Research | Articles
Common Prosperity:
A Conundrum for China How should Hong Kong explore GBA’s unique I&T opportunities?
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