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Notebook Ownership Programme
Notebook Ownership Programme
Alumni can purchase computers at an education discount via the HKUSU Notebook Ownership Programme. A “roadshow,” offering hands-on experience with the notebooks, will be held daily through Sep 8 (Sat), 11:30am-7:30pm, Loke Yew Hall. Notebooks can also be ordered online.
Congratulations to Team HK and Team HKU! We are proud of you
Congratulations to Team HK and Team HKU! We are proud of you
Eight HKU athletes won medals at the 18th Asian Games in Indonesia – including HKU Sports Scholars who earned one gold, two silver and five bronze: Cado Lee (rugby), Hayley Chan (windsurfing), Ryan Choi (fencing), Bailee Brown (triathlon), Rainbow Ip (swimming), Moonie Chu (fencing), Coco Lin (fencing) and James Wong (rowing). In total, the Hong Kong team brought home a record 46 medals!
Mooncakes for the Elderly Sep 22
Mooncakes for the Elderly Sep 22
The HKU Volunteer Team, together with Lap-Chee College, will visit the elderly with gift packs of HKU low-sugar mooncakes, oatmeal and soy milk. Alumni and family members are welcome to join, or make a donation of HK$100 to support gift packs.
Dare to ASK: Hall of Wisdom 大學問
Dare to ASK: Hall of Wisdom 大學問
"Hall of Wisdom" is the award-winning TV lecture series from HKU's CEDARS-General Education, co-organised with RTHK. In Cantonese, moderated by Law Wing-chung 羅永聰.
Professor Gabriel Leung 梁卓偉, "Life as a Healer" 《大醫.人生》 Sep 10
Former Financial Secretary John Tsang 曾俊華, "Truth or False" 《真/假俊華》 Sep 13
Online registration is open for alumni. Seats are limited.
The Rise of Populism and Right-Wing Nationalism for Europe - Implications for Asia Sep 14
The Rise of Populism and Right-Wing Nationalism for Europe - Implications for Asia Sep 14
Former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will deliver the keynote address at Asia Global Institute - Global Thinkers. AGI Director Zhiwu Chen and AGI Advisory Board Co-Chair Victor K Fung will also speak.
「賽馬會惜水・識河計劃」公開講座 — 「河處是吾家:源・泯・匯」 Sep 16
「賽馬會惜水・識河計劃」公開講座 — 「河處是吾家:源・泯・匯」 Sep 16
講者: 吳祖南博士 「賽馬會惜水・識河計劃」總監   香港大學社會科學學院地理系副教授
「香港還有河流嗎?」香港雖是彈丸之地,卻有逾 200 條河流及溪澗沿山勢蜿蜒而下。天然河溪固然景觀優美,河流亦具備多種重要功能,例如:林村河中生機處處、雙魚河用於引水灌田,錦田河孕育村落文化。在都市化的過程中,一條條河流被拉直、改道、截流,我們仍能尋覓到河流多元的價值嗎?未來我們應該怎樣管理河流才能做到「河」處是吾家?本講座會讓大家加深對香港河流的認識,探討香港特殊的河流管理現象
A bilingual video documentary of the "My River, My Community" project.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Former President of East Timor Sep 7
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Former President of East Timor Sep 7
His Excellency José Ramos-Horta will speak on "Peace and World Security: Building a New International Dialogue". Moderated by Professor Joseph Chan, Department of Politics and Public Administration, HKU. With a welcome by Professor William Hayward, Dean of Social Sciences.
香港大學法律學院五十周年書話: 拱心石下 公義路上 Law at 50 Book Talk: An Ongoing Journey Oct 11
拱心石下 公義路上

Law at 50 Book Talk: An Ongoing Journey Oct 11

Professor Johannes Chan SC (Hon) and
Dr Margaret Ng will discuss their recently published recollections on law and politics, at an HKU Law at 50 Book Talk: An Ongoing Journey. In Cantonese.

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